View Full Version : Puma's meds

01-12-2003, 06:19 AM
After bringing Puma home from the vets' last Friday, they told me to give her some yellow liquid meds for some paracitic infection in her tummy. However, I have tried twice to give her just a little of the stuff, and she absolutely hates it. In fact, she spits it out of her mouth after I give her just a little of it. Does anyone have ideas about how I should administer the meds to her?


01-12-2003, 09:40 PM
Can you hide the liquid in anything such as pungent wet food and away from the others? I am not to sure I have never administered liquid to a cat before! That is my only suggestion I can offer though.

01-13-2003, 06:11 AM
Wayne, my daughter had the same situation when she adopted her kitty, Dandy, from the shelter. The vet said she had an internal parasite and she had medicine to give her also. Fortunately she was able to successfully hide it in her wet food and Dandy was none the wiser. Good luck!

01-13-2003, 06:30 AM
I know the stuff! they hate it!
If you are successful in hiding it in food, put it in the smallest amount that will allow them to take it, because otherwise they will eat around it and leave the medicine behind.
I, on the other hand, cannot get them to eat it in their food, so I use the "grab them by the scruff, and force them to take it method" With lots of love afterwards.

smokey the elder
01-13-2003, 08:13 AM
The yellow stuff sounds like Strongid. I find it easier to give a cat liquid meds than a pill. I scruff the cat, then pin her to my body with one arm, reach around with that hand to open the mouth, syringe full of meds in the other, down the hatch! It seems hard; like everything else, takes some practice.

Good luck!

01-13-2003, 10:21 AM
I find that liquid meds are easier to give (because they are easier to disguise in the food). With experimentation I have found that Emily is most receptive to taking medicine when it is mixed in with the shredded type of wet food. The sliced stuff does NOT work at all. and the regular wet food will "do the trick". But her favorite is shredded.

01-14-2003, 05:40 AM
Thanks all, for the input on the problem. I will try to give the yellow meds in her canned food. After looking over the bottle, I do not see any name on the stuff. But seldom do I have such resistance to any meds that I attempt to administer to my furkids, as I do this stuff. Puma actually spit it out of her mouth and then ran under the bed -she hated it that bad.:)


smokey the elder
01-14-2003, 07:37 AM
apparently worming meds (Strongid, Flagyl and metronitazole) are particularly vile tasting to cats.