View Full Version : pitbulls

01-12-2003, 12:58 AM
i hate how ppl discriminate pitbulls....ive never had one, but i know they r great dogs. and what really sux, is there was, i think it was, the fourth (?) pitbull attack in the last one or two or so months....gosh the public is going into an uproar.....i love pitties....and the dogs that did these attacks were all screwed up in the head from lack of training from neglegent owners....it was obvious, since they were all hit and run sortof attacks, when they mauled ppl and just left.....no properly trained dog would attack somebody for no reason, and i hate how the dogs get punished for this sortof thing....its so sad....
one time, i saw a pitbull in a car and i could tell it was a sweetheart so, (being me :rolleyes: ) stuck my hand in, and she was such a sweetie pie!!! and i would hate to see the owner have to move away to some other country and having to have that little babe destroyed because of its breed....ppl are so close minded sometimes *sigh*

01-12-2003, 01:57 PM
What did you mean by people having to move away because they own a pitbull. That is very wrong. I think that a lot of dogs get neglected because of owners not caring enough about they're dog. I would stick my fingers in the window too.

01-12-2003, 02:00 PM
Originally posted by pegwad16
What did you mean by people having to move away because they own a pitbull. That is very wrong. I think that a lot of dogs get neglected because of owners not caring enough about they're dog.
i dont know what u mean by that :confused: i just meant what if the owner had to move to another country and took the dog, but didnt realize that pitbulls were outlawed in that country and the police took the poor thing and put it down .

01-12-2003, 02:08 PM
What did you mean by people having to move away because they own a pitbull. That is very wrong. I think that a lot of dogs get neglected because of owners not caring enough about they're dog. I would stick my fingers in the window too.

01-12-2003, 02:09 PM
Okay I understand now!!!!

01-16-2003, 04:23 PM
i live in the uk and they are banned unless muzzled and registered with coppers, but we still do get the stupid idiots getting hold of them and fighting them. but if they bann pittbulls they should ban staffies as they are simular and we have had loads of attacks from staffies.:o

01-16-2003, 06:00 PM
Don't ban the breed - ban the idiots that seem to attract them.

We have had a pit bull - she was the most affectionate dog I have ever had.

My mother now has a staffie - he is beautiful, and she has never had any problems.

As usual, it is the OWNER not the breed that gives them a bad rap!


01-16-2003, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by captain
Don't ban the breed - ban the idiots that seem to attract them.
As usual, it is the OWNER not the breed that gives them a bad rap!

exactly! i wish more ppl would see it like that! two pitbulls were just shot and killed yesterday after attacking and killing a woman...y do ppl have to be so neglegent towards their animals? grrr....:mad: those dogs would have turned out to be great, i bet, if they were properly trained *sigh*

01-17-2003, 12:32 PM
i know that its the peoples fault who bring them up like that, but wat i am saying is ppl think pitbulls should be banned, then other dogs like that should, as we say its ppl who bring them up, like we have had rottie attacks but they don't ban them, we've had loads and loads of staffie and staffiex attacks but they haven't banned them so y bann the pitbull

01-17-2003, 08:02 PM
i know...the pitbull may be number one on the fatality list, but its not like thats the bite list...just the list of how fatal the bites are...pitbulls have worse bites than other dogs because they have the ability to shred flesh with their back teeth while there jaw is clamped down...they can also exert 2000 pounds per square inch pressure plus! they used to say the wolf had the third strongest jaw in the world with 1500 pounds of pressure...well, look out wolf! and why dont ppl condemn other dogs? why just pitties? in statistics, rottwiellers are the mostly likely to attack and r number two on the bite fatality list, and german shepherds are number 3 on the list, and cause 80% of the worlds teritorrially-linked bites....why are they allowed to be so popular and ppl have this grudge against pitbulls? i wish ppl would just take it as it goes, and leave all the inocent dogs alone...what about golden retrievers? (not to be of any insult to the ppl who own these breeds lol...trust me i love them all) i have read and even seen on the news that cocker spaniels and golden rerievers are some of the nippiest dogs, yet they r seen as wonderful family dogs...all breeds of dogs should be valued as family dogs....

01-18-2003, 11:40 AM
I dont understand why pit bulls have to be banned in some areas. It is wrong. I believe that the owners of pitbulls should either train them properly or dont own them at all.:)

01-18-2003, 11:48 AM
Originally posted by pitbullrottielover
I dont understand why pit bulls have to be banned in some areas. It is wrong. I believe that the owners of pitbulls should either train them properly or dont own them at all.:)
I agree...and from what i see, ppl are starting to not own pitbulls at all.....because of all the attacks from pitties in the last couple months, shelters are overrun with pitbulls and pitbull crosses..i hope they all find happy homes...

01-18-2003, 03:29 PM
In our old condo we couldnt have pit bulls, and now that we live in a house, we cant get insurance if we have one. :mad:

01-18-2003, 03:42 PM
I guess I can't complain too much about the way pits are treated in town here. There are alot of people who will stop while we are out on a walk and ask me what type of dog he is and to tell me how beautiful he is. There are a few stupid people who are into the whole "evil pit" myth but like they say there is bad apples in every bunch. I try to stay away from those people and they don't exactly try to be friends with me. As far as I know none of the other pits/staffies/american bulldogs owners have had any problems either. I did hear a guy talking to my aunt's neighbors who bought a litter of staffies (yes the whole litter) and was calling them mini pitbulls. :rolleyes: Yeah, he did his research!

01-18-2003, 06:28 PM
Pits are great dogs and are rated in the top 10 best dogs to have with kids. If stupid people get a hold of them, then they TRAIN them to be mean and attack. Personally, I think the people that train them that way ought to be the bait.

01-18-2003, 06:42 PM
I absolutely love Pit Bulls. They are my favorite breed, my Simba is a GSD pit mix. They are beautiful, muscular, wonderful dogs. People always ask why i hate people, things like what people do to pit bulls are why.

02-01-2003, 04:18 PM
I think there are a lot of reasons for the pit bull propaganda. I think that when a mutt type dog attacks someone it is automatically labeled a pit. Pits are so easy to get a hold of....you can buy one for $50 on the street as opposed to a staffie which will cost you $250 and up. Obviously they are attractive to uneducated and unethical people who just want to make a dog mean, or worse want to fight them. Or make them mean to guard their cock-fighting or drug labs. Plus, there are a lot of them out there. :( I've been a vet tech for 6 years and let me tell you, we were also happy to have to work on a pit, as they are so stoic and sweet.