View Full Version : Excessive water drinking, urination, vet visits

11-25-2021, 11:01 PM
We have an 8-month-old black lab mix we rescued. Everything was going fine until about 6 weeks ago. She just started drinking water excessively and urinating. Basically a chicken or the egg syndrome. We have gone to the vet quite a bit. Urine samples and fecal samples. No UTI or diabetes. Vet put her on Prozac thinking it may be behavioral. She does have anxiety problems which seemed to start around July 4th. We were prepared for the 4th but not the days after. We stop giving her water at 6 PM in hopes she stays dry in her crate at night. She searches for water at times. We give her Purina Proplan dry dog food.

Has anybody else heard of this issue or had it with puppies out of the blue? The previous day we got her out of her crate and she was dry. This morning half her one side was wet. Seems to happen more when she sleeps ot naps. Course we can control when she is up by taking her out alot. Thanks.

12-14-2021, 06:24 AM
Hi! So sorry to have missed this. You might want to re-post this in Dog Health so more will see it!

First, thank you SO much for choosing rescue!:) Been Mom to 2 rescued Lab x's and they're the best!

My first thought too was diabetes or a UTI. I'm guessing your vet did a urinalysis to rule out the UTI, bloodwork to rule out diabetes. Did she/he suggest cystoscopy or an ultrasound to rule out bladder stones, bladder or urethral anatomical abnormalities? My Cody had the same symptoms, especially the "leaking," especially at night or while resting and was diagnosed with with a urethral abnormality, common but mostly in females. No cure, but easily treated with a daily oral dose of a medication called Proin. Maybe you can ask your vet about this possibility. Hoping for an answer to your pup's issue, and sending love and healing prayers.❤🤗
