View Full Version : how do you groom your yorkie?

01-09-2003, 12:28 AM

i'm not sure if this is the right catigory to post this or not:o anyway we have a yorkie and my dad wants to let her ears to grow out (the fur on her ears)we watch those dog shows its really fun:)anyway we saw a type of breed terrior where its ears were long and it looked cute but i'm not sure if that was a yorkie or not there are so many types of terrior but does anyone have a yorkie with long ears are we doing the right thing by letting her (truffles)ears grow out or should they be short?whats your opinion on this:)thanks and take care:)


01-09-2003, 01:09 AM
Could you describe the dog with the long ears at the dog show? Were the actual ears long or just the fur?

I don't have a yorkie, but I work with groomers....usually they do what's called the yorkie tips and shave just the tip of the ears. I think part of this is so the ears will stick up like they should. The fur weighs their thin little ears down.

I think you should keep Truffles ears whichever way you think is cute! :D

01-09-2003, 02:05 AM
sure here is a picture sorry i have figured out the signiture deal yet i'm trying but here it is as a attachment thank again:)


01-09-2003, 04:46 PM
while it is true that a groomer will "tip" the ears, you certainly can do whatever look you think looks best. Just make sure to specify this if you go into a grooming shop as we cannot read minds. But remembr, the ears are an easy place for the hair to form mats, because the dogs rub and scratch them, so do not allow them to go without a daily brushing.

01-10-2003, 02:25 PM
when i had my yorkie . we would let his ears, tail, and legs grow out. it was soo cute. :D

01-15-2003, 02:43 PM
I have a Yorkie! Usually the Groomer will cut the hair at the tips of the ears. The Yorkie's ears stand straight up. My Yorkie has long hair but the groomer just clips the very tips so the ears can stand straight up. I looked the picture of your Yorkie and it's ears stand up too. So I'm not really sure what you want to do.

01-23-2003, 10:35 AM
While most Yorkies have ears that stick up, not all do. Our Yorkie as very floppy ears and no matter what they will not stand up, even if the groomer shaves the tips. But our Yorkie is also different since he is so big....about 12.5 pounds.

Anyway here are some pictures so you can see long floppy ears on a Yorkie.

Here is our Yorkie and his brother as puppies (about 8 weeks old) and already with floopy ears:

Here is a closeup of Cletus (our Yorkie) as a puppy. You can easily see the type of ears he has.

Here are the same two puppies as in the first picture, but full grown, but still with long floppy ears.

The front two dogs in this picture are the same Yorkies, while the back dog is the part minature schnauzer that we rescued, all with floppy ears.

Finally here is our Yorkie on the right, and the part minature schnauzer that we rescued on the left. We thought it would be fun to give them both Schnauzer cuts. As you can see, even if the Yorkie's ears are shaved, they will not stand up.


01-23-2003, 12:47 PM
super cute pictures.

It is very true, yorkie ears can be up or down, but either way they look the very best with the short ear hair. The few yorkies that we get at the grooming shop that leave the hair long, look stupid (Now this is an opinion only....but their head and faces usually look completely out of proportion with long hair on the ears)

01-23-2003, 03:02 PM
What cute pictures! I'll try to post a picture of Tiffany! She was about 11 mos. old in this picture so didn't have her full coat.

01-23-2003, 03:04 PM
Okay let me try this again! I didn't get the picture!

01-24-2003, 08:03 AM
Great pictures! Glad to see another Yorkie's ears droop. I've gave up hope that Molly will ever have stand up ears. The groomer trims her ears every 6 weeks, but it hasn't helped. Not that it really matters, I don't really care if they do stand up she's cute just the way she is.

01-24-2003, 02:05 PM
some yorkie ears are SUPPOSE to droop. It is a breed rrait that they can be either way and no amount of trimming will change that fact. I think they look cute both ways (as long as the hair is short)

01-28-2003, 09:46 PM
My family acquired a Silkie Terrior today, we named him Percy. The previous owners had taken him down to our local shelter because( and I quote) "they had more to do with their time and he was no longer cute" Well, all we can say, is that their loss is our gain, because within a 6 hour time period, we have all fallen hopelessly in love with tte little scamp! I think, for me it started when he walked up to the gate of the socialising area and ducked under some wiring and led 4 shelter workers and me on a happy chase up one kennel and down another, being humble enough to stop if we weren't keeping up fast enough. By the time he was caught, I was laughing so hard I could barely stand it. My husband was not overly happy with the fact that we had found a small dog, but once he got him home and Percy snuggled up to him and gave him a warm lick up his nose, he was completely under the spell. I, too, have questions about the grooming for this breed, can anyone help me with some insight?

01-29-2003, 05:52 AM
Welcome, Sue. What an adorable story. I am a pet groomer do you have any specific questions about the little yorkie's grooming?
ooopppsss.....Silky's grooming

01-29-2003, 10:58 AM
Thanks for getting back to me so quick!
This little fella had been kept in a garage and then was at the shelter for almost a week and has some fur balls/mats that I don't think I'll be able to comb out. Some one did try to trim him and he looks lika "punked" out, but he did let me brush him and I did try to work out the bad spots, but they were complete mats. Since we plan on keeping him as an inside dog, I'm thinking that a good trim down and a couple of warm sweaters will make him a whole lot happier. I was also concerned about my cats, I have 3 over 12 pounds, so when we went to bed last nite we put him in a crate. When he came out this morning, the first thimg he did was to walk up to my big tomcat, and wet on his face....so much for beginning friendships? :eek: Any help you could give me would be GREATLY appreciated. Also, he's got a real dry coat in splotches, can you suggest something to help with that?
Thanks again, and it's a pleasure to meet you!!

01-29-2003, 03:13 PM
all this will depend on the amount of mats.....but a very popular and semi-easy to care for style for this type of dog is a "westie clip" That is what we call it, the name may vary in other locations, but what it is is a short back with the legs left longer and a skirt hanging down. This gives the illusion of length without all the intensive brushing. It takes only a moderate amount of brushing. Your other options are on either side of the spectrum from here....either entirely short (the very easiest to maintain) or all long hair all over (the most difficult to maintain). Keep in mind that the more hair the more brushing at home AND the more trips to the groomer.
Sweaters are cute and good for a dog with short hair, but if you use a sweater and keep the hair long, prepare for extra brushing. First, the static will cause the hair to stick together and second, just the tightness of the sweater itself will cause the hair to mat. Once the hair is tangles a mat forms in the blink of an eye, and there is only so much that can be combed out before you need to shave it off.
Use your dogs temperament and hari texture to determine the type of clip. A dog that hates brushing will never be happy if you insist it has long hair! And some dogs DO NOT have the proper texture for certain clips. (just like we all can't be super models).

Now for the cat/dog relationship......I yield the floor to someone with more expertise than me.

(sorry so long winded)

01-29-2003, 09:43 PM
Thanks for the info...we took him to the family vet who found a mass in his ear canal. Poor baby...when the vet tried to use an instrument to look at it, my petite rottweiler wannabie tried to chew his arm off! He'll go in next Wed for surgery to remove it. We got most of the masssive mats combed out, and gave him a nice bath with some special doggie soap, so now he looks like a completely different pup! We took him on an outing today, a long haired chihuahua tried to "smell him up", but he took off like she'd nipped him or something...thank goodness for long retractable leashes! He's laying on a carpet with my granddaughter watching 101 Dalmations 2..they're sharing some carrots and seem to be thoroughly enjoying the movie.
Thanks again for your advice!