View Full Version : What could you least live without?

01-06-2003, 04:30 PM
Well, I'm bored, I was just thinking what people could least live without, like if you were stuck on an island and could only have one thing? I huess if you had the internet you wouldn't be stuck, but anway :p

01-06-2003, 04:45 PM
I think I could do without all those...as long as I have my family, friends and the girls!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-06-2003, 05:17 PM
Seeing as we just got back from two weeks on the road in our motorhome, I am well put to respond to this one. :) It's amazing what you can do without if need be. Needless to say we have limited space in the motorhome, so we can only bring so much with us (not to mention the packing and unpacking hassle). The thing I absolutely missed the most was the computer with internet (and PT) access. I did have my cell phone so I was able to keep in touch with family and friends, but my hope for the cell phone modem getting me online was hopeless.

I had to fly back to be back to work earlier than Terry. He broke down in Tulsa, OK, with the almost possiblity of having to leave the motorhome there for repairs while he came home to get back to work. Fortunately they got it fixed and he made it back, but during all our discussions I had to determine what was in the motorhome that I absolutely needed that he should bring back with him (since I only brought clothes and sundries since I had to fly). After I thought about it, there was nothing in the motorhome that I needed enough for him to have to bring back. Out of all the stuff we packed, and everything that seemed so important while on the trip, nothing was so important that he would have had to drag it back. It was really quite an eye opener on what is really important.

Of course I do have to qualify that even if he would have had to leave the motorhome, we would have gotten it back the next week or so, so it was only a temporary parting from things, and I knew that. Had I had to part permanently with the stuff, there may have been a few things he would have had to bring back. ;) :) Hope this makes sense....it's the end of the day and I feel like I'm rambling.....

01-06-2003, 06:19 PM
ummm....my pets and my brothers i got to have somthing to pick on dont i???

01-06-2003, 07:40 PM
T & P's Mom,

What you said makes perfect sense to me:) You really have
to be faced with something like you were to get a real sense
of what the the truly" important" things in life are. I understand
you very well.:)

01-06-2003, 07:44 PM
My sister-in-law had a fire many years ago that burnt her house to the ground. It was a problem with the heating system. Fortunately it occurred while everyone was at work/school and she had no furkids at the time so no one was hurt. Later she said her most treasured possessions, next to family and furkids, were her photos. She said you can replace everything eventually but you can't replace your photos.

01-06-2003, 07:48 PM
As long as I had my "Furkids" and my family, I wouldn't miss much.

All Creatures Great And Small
01-06-2003, 08:47 PM
Originally posted by Pam
She said you can replace everything eventually but you can't replace your photos. Yeah, that kind of scares me to think if I would lose all my photos. The photos that I took since I got married, I saved all the negatives for in a fireproof box in the basement. It would cost me a small fortune to have them all redeveloped, but at least it could be done. The digital photos, well, they're on the PC, and I burn them to disks to put in the fireproof box. The only photos I can't fireproof are the old ones, from our families generations back, because we have so many of them, I couldn't afford the fireproof safe big enough! There is one entire closet-sized cabinet downstairs with just my husband's family's pictures in it - I'd have to buy something the size of a gun safe to put them in, and they are thousands of dollars. :eek: But yes, I think that everything besides the fur family and people family could be replaced, or not missed.

I DO like my computer though.......funny how I lasted all these years without one, actually thought it was a stupid waste of money to get one, and now I'm the one who's on it ALL THE TIME!:p :rolleyes: :o

01-06-2003, 09:22 PM
My asthma medications! But I suppose that's being too literal, huh? Second, (Besides Paul and Miss Hoppy) would have to be my glasses ... or I'd probably wander off the island!

I am someone who is so nearsighted that, without glasses, I was once essentially "lost" on a beach, even though my friends could see me the whole time ... the current had pushed those of us swimming further up the beach, so I just kept walking the waterline, headed south, until I got close enough to follow their voices. They, by the way, had NO CLUE that I didn't know where I was the whole time!

01-06-2003, 10:14 PM
Lol, i was talking about this with my friend .... how we both hate people and would like the go away and get the hell away from the airheads and assinin people in the world. I'd want a few Nelly posts, Simba, food and water to survive, of course my friend
[i'd swear we had the same minds, lol] MUSIC [both me and my friend agreed on that] He says he needs his dream car to survive, but uhhh screw that lol..... I'd wanna live on a island where no hurricanes could touch us no storms, a little rain now and then to keep everything alive and of course animals! .. Maybe even Nelly would come with us! lol:p

01-06-2003, 10:26 PM
I popped in here earlier and voted 'books' because I am a bit of a book-aholic.

Honestly, people and pets would be a higher priority. And some of my genealogical data -- I need to get put on the web, I would hate to lose it in a fire. Losing stuff would be painful, but losing loved ones would be so much worse.

Reminds me a little of the Loma Prieta earthquake here -- the damage was largely based on what axis your home was on and the proximity to the epicenter. I needed help to get into my apartment because a lot of stuff was thrown around and I lost power. The apartment across the hall from me had one pillow fall and they had their phone and power -- the axis was perpendicular to mine so they 'rode' the shock waves. One of my strongest memories was sitting in their apartment (sweet people, they were really worried about all of us 'cross the hallies :)') and as the after shocks hit it was so weird. I could see people on the tennis courts trying to play, and I could hear people screaming during each shock wave. People's reactions were so very different it amazed me. (Oops, sorry, got side-tracked. :o I'll wander off now. :D)

01-06-2003, 11:01 PM
Oops, I messed that up! I marked TV in the poll, because I was thinking "What could you most live without" ... instead of least. Did that make sense? :confused: I don't even have a TV, so obviously I can live without it! I should have marked computer ... although books would be right up there, too!

When I moved from Colorado to Wyoming, we moved in the winter. My dad was concerned about bad roads, and I had to be out of my house by Jan 1. So, he decided to rent a U-Haul and drive down and get all my stuff .... on Thanksgiving! Well, what could I say, he was nice enough to help me out.

So, he took everything we owned in a big U-Haul on Thanksgiving. We could only keep what would fit in my Geo Prism ... along with me, my son in his carseat ... and four dogs. Needless to say, it wasn't much .... two pillows, two blankets, a tiny bucket of toys for my son and a week's worth of clothes. I was freaking out! That was ALL that was in my house! :eek:

But, you know, after a few days, we didn't even care. We went to the library, the park, we took the dogs for a walk, we watched the stars. It was actually really, really nice. It is true ... all you need is food, shelter and clothing .... and a library! ;)

01-06-2003, 11:20 PM
The things that I couldn't live without are: my 3 cats,family, friends, and of course food, clothing, and shelter. Now that I've found Pet Talk I couldn't live without my computer and internet access. :)

01-07-2003, 08:57 AM
For me , I couldn't live without my furkids , and my family ..:rolleyes: :D . But I would be veru very much bored , with NO books around too ...:rolleyes:

Dixieland Dancer
01-07-2003, 09:20 AM
Originally posted by Cincy'sMom
I think I could do without all those...as long as I have my family, friends and the girls!

I couldn't of said it better!

posted by Karen
Second, would have to be my glasses ... or I'd probably wander off the island!

I am the same way but never thought of my glasses. :rolleyes: It is just such a habit to just reach for them first thing when I wake up and last thing before bed though! :cool:

I guess from the list if I had to choose one thing I could live without least, it would be the computer and a internet connection. That way I could stay in touch with friends, read, and watch video! Basically the computer gives me all the others! ;)

01-07-2003, 09:25 AM
Asides from furkids, I need my books.

I don't have a computer at home and for nearly a year I didn't have a tv either. I just got one two weeks ago and it's still not plugged in!

It's just sitting there taking up space. :rolleyes:

I'd rather curl up with a good book than channel surf, honestly.

01-07-2003, 09:45 AM
My family (that includes Darker) is all that I need. But if I had to choose from your list provided thatI have my family, I would choose say the Internet. I love books, but I can read e-book online. I need my e-mail and chat because that is the only way I can comminucate daily with my family back in Lebanon without spending a fortune on phone bills!

01-07-2003, 11:32 AM
My cats, my family, my friends, and coffee...he he he....

01-07-2003, 12:36 PM
As long as I have my family and fids (feathered kids) with me, I don't think I "need" any of those things to live. After my family and pets, the things that I would have a hard time living without would be the computer and internet. It comes in useful all the time! :D

01-07-2003, 01:08 PM
I could least live without Lady, Sally, Floppsy, and the Bettas. Also I would want some food and water. I hate to think about how I would be forced to get my food if I didn't bring it ahead of time.
Maybe I'd bring lots of photos of my family, the furkids, my friends, etc. Oh yeah, and I'd need my contact lenses and glasses, my parents, and my two best friends.

01-07-2003, 02:23 PM
how we both hate people and would like the go away and get the hell away from the airheads and assinin people in the world.
LOL, me too! I soo agree lmao. I really don't think (out of those things) I could live without the net, I would have put furkids/fam too, but I'm pretty sure thats what we all want most ;] So other (1st on my list) then those, definitly my family and furkids :]

01-07-2003, 02:31 PM
I'm probably being too serious - but I couldn't live without Don - in every way he's all I need.

BUT I would need the odd book as well :D :D


01-07-2003, 02:39 PM
After my hubby and our furkids....I would have to have books, I love, love, love to read.

Just imagine, my hubby and furkids and I on an island where I could lay in the sun or shade and read...how wonderfully uncomplicated! :)

The Cat Factory
01-08-2003, 02:22 AM
A TV! I don't think I could live without Star Trek LOL :D!

01-08-2003, 04:36 AM
Uhum , I think I forgot something important : without my 2 pairs of glasses , I wouldn't be able to read and run into anything ...:( :rolleyes: :) :)

01-08-2003, 10:15 AM
Well, it's not an option in the poll, but I don't think I could live without my bunnies!!!!!!!!!!! I COULD live just fine without TV though.

01-08-2003, 05:31 PM
well besides my guinea pig and my cat, I would want a radio or a cd player. it would just be too quiet!

01-08-2003, 08:12 PM
Like most my family (that includes the furkids) are the most important, but of the things on the list I would also say the computer and the internet for sure! What would I do without PT?!

01-08-2003, 08:17 PM
Originally posted by anna_66
... What would I do without PT?!

I forgot about Pet Talk! Where was my brain?!?

It would be appreciated if no one answers this retorical question... Thank you very much. :o :p :o