View Full Version : Sweet Pudding Cup

06-03-2020, 06:45 PM

Congratulations on being Pet of the Day.
What a sweetheart who is full of fun.
The world is yours, celebrate your special day

06-03-2020, 09:54 PM
Dearest Pudding Cup, what a beautiful Lionhead Rabbit you are, with your trademark luxurious sideburns and your sweet face with those perky ears and lovely big dark eyes! When your dear person-to-be first met you, you were all curled up and small, like a little cup of sweetness. Now you're a very hyper, fun, funny, and cute rabbit. You're full of energy, and you make her/him smile with your antics, such as kicking your feet up into the air and twirling around. You're a very busy bunny, so curious and always looking forward to new things. He/she feels like this is your world to you! You love each other very much, don't you. What a wonderful love-filled home you share!

Congratulations, darling Pudding Cup, on being chosen today's Pet of the Day! We hope you and your dear person and all your family and friends are enjoying a fine celebration, full of fun and lovies and all your favorite games and treats.


06-04-2020, 05:18 AM
Congratulations, Pudding Cup, on being POTD! (Your name is as darling as you are!) You are adorable and precious! We loved reading about your wonderful life by your loving fur-parent! :) Sending all best wishes for a continued happy, healthy, fun, safe life, Sweetie! XOXO :love: http://www.guineapigsrfun.net

06-04-2020, 08:14 AM
Hi Pudding Cup! (LOVE your name!!!) Happy Pet of the Day to you!:)

What a beautiful, most precious Lionhead bunny you are, Pud! Your close-up is gorgeous; just look at the coat, those magnificent side-burns, that regal stance! hehe And by all accounts, your every bit as beautiful on the inside as out; one joyful, personality packed, life loving cup of furry sweetness indeed!

How very lucky your human is, having a never ending source of joy, love and laughter in you, sweetheart! You're a gem, and so very deserving of your big day of international celebrity!

Thanks for the BIG smiles, Pudding! Meeting you today has been such a treat! I hope you're enjoying a very special, fun filled and action packed, binky worthy day of celebration, being loved and pampered to pieces, treated to all your heart desires and more! Lots of love, cuddles and smooches to you, precious Pudding Cup, our very special and most deserving Pet of the Day, EVERY day!!!:love::love::love:


Felicia's Mom
06-04-2020, 11:22 AM
Sweet Pudding Cup is Gorgeous!

Happy Pet of the Day Sweet Pudding Cup!

06-04-2020, 03:34 PM
Introducing Pudding Cup, also known as Pudding, or even just Pud sometimes. When I first met him, he was all curled up, and small, like a little cup of sweetness. He is a very hyper, fun, funny, and cute rabbit to me. He is a lionhead, which is why he has such a luxurious sideburns! It's so funny when he kicks his feet up into the air and twirls around. (Don't worry that means he is happy, not angry or anything. In fact, it gives me joy just to see him do it!)

Anyway, don't let this noble-looking, peaceful photo fool you. He is a very busy bunny, he's always running around. He has a VERY active personality, and I feel like this is his world to him, he is so curious and is always looking forward to new things.

Hello, yummy Pudding Cup! Happy Bunny Pet of the Day!

What a beautiful bunny you are! I like your fluffy fur- which reminds me a little of vanilla and chocolate pudding! You have fabulous sideburns and such cute, alert ears! I would be delighted to give you pats; since I can't, though, I hope your person will give you some extra pats and hugs for me :love:

You are a busy guy! You run from place to place, and kick your feet up in the air, and twirl around! You are a curious bunny, too- interested in new things. I hope you have a very special day of running, kicking up your feet in the air, maybe playing your favorite game or enjoying a delicious bunny treat!

Happy, happy Bunny Pet of the Day, sweet Pud!