View Full Version : Pick up those puppies!!

01-06-2003, 01:02 AM
Ok, as I seem to find it rather amusing to convince people to take pics of them holding huge dogs (;) ;) Rachel)....I'm now starting a thread about it.

I want a pic of you (or a friend/family member) holding your dogs! This is obviously easier if you have a small dog! If your dog is more medium-large size, you can try!! It's possible! If your dog is extra large...a pic of the dog in a person's lap or just holding them up will do! :D

These just happen to be the pics I have of dogs being held at the moment....I'll try to take a pic of me with the dogs, and also one of Smokey...the girl is my friend, Melissa...

Reggie (he hates being held!)

01-06-2003, 01:52 PM
I had to turn my camera on to timed picture so it would take the picture for me after a few seconds, so thats why they're a little off..Josie isn't the lightest dog, I actually got one pic where I was trying to pick her up at the last second before the cam took the pic and you could see it in my face..lets not show that one ;D

Cute dog, ugly person.
Had to bleep that one ;D

01-06-2003, 01:58 PM
haha... these are great. I will see if my hubby will snap a shot of me holding up Keesha and post a pic. :)

Dakota's Mommy
01-07-2003, 09:37 AM
Here's a pic of me picking up one of my mom's doggies while they were here last week, but I don't have any of us picking our two up lately! So, I took one of Brian picking up Dakota last night (she's bigger and weighs more than I can handle) but we still need to get one of me picking Destiny up and then we need to get them developed and on the computer! But, here's the one of me with Dazzi!

01-07-2003, 10:18 AM
Great pics with Josie and Zeke! They look so "thrilled" hehehe. Zeke looks like he's enjoying the view too! ;)

Cute pic with Dazzi! I can't wait to see the pic with Dakota...great dane...LOL!

01-07-2003, 03:19 PM
LOL.... boy Amy, your ideas never end? :P Cute pictures!!

01-08-2003, 01:56 AM
Here's a pic of me and Nebo taken tonight. It was my first attempt at the self timer. Rather frightening pic, but oh well.


01-10-2003, 01:45 PM
Ok, pretty crappy pics, but here we go...
Me holding Roxey
Me holding Huney
And here I am trying to hold Angus up, at least a little. Whooo what a job, he is such a fattie:p Huney really wanted to play with him, and he had his little hedgehog in his mouth!

01-10-2003, 02:06 PM
Aww! Cute pictures Anna :D

01-10-2003, 02:17 PM
Kia HATES to be picked up. She'll thrash, flip, and flop like a fish out of water until you put her down.

She nearly gave me a bloody nose once by bashing her head into it. :eek: My fault of course.

I have a pic of my sis pulling Kia into her lap.... but the computer won't recognize the pics on that disk. :(

01-10-2003, 02:49 PM
Mom isn't strong enough to pick up Sim, dad's back is too bad, and the fake of posting a picture of me on here is out of the question.:)

01-11-2003, 08:36 AM
I know I have pictures of my holding Sadie...she is realy great about being picked up. Course I can't find any one the computer right now. I'll have to look around the house and scan them in.

01-11-2003, 10:28 AM
Anna- LOL at you trying to pick up Mr. Rottie!!!!! I don't even know how you got the other two up. They were prolly thinking, "Yeah, sure mom, you can carry us around-NOT"...he he he.

01-11-2003, 10:49 AM
Good idea Amy and what great pictures everyone has come up with!
Anna, I was scrolling (sp?) down yours, one, two...and I was thinking, not Angus!.... and you did... tried anyhow, and did pretty good I thought! Wonderful!:)
I can`t pick up Bob because I have a back problem, that`s why I can`t get him in the bathtub either!


01-11-2003, 01:27 PM
Anna66, I am so impressed that you tried it with all 3 dogs!:D
Huney looks a bit lighter than Roxey but Angus looks like he weighs more than you!:eek:

01-11-2003, 04:29 PM
Smokey is heavy. And he's even heavier when he's wiggling around.

01-11-2003, 04:30 PM
#2 -
Super Wiggle, lick ear and escape!

01-11-2003, 05:06 PM
My mo saw this thread and she scanned in two pictures of me, one holding Oreo when she was a baby and one of me holding Sadie. So I was at her house today, uploaded the pictures to imagestation, thought I put them in an album, and now they are gone! Of course I left the disk in my dad's computer instead of taking it with me...:(

Mom? Can you email those to me?

01-11-2003, 06:51 PM
so here's me holding 50 pounds of mutt :D Sorry about the eyes... :rolleyes:

Ruby looks so thrilled.... poor babe :)

I love all the pics!! :)

01-11-2003, 08:57 PM
Awww, very cute :D

01-12-2003, 02:21 PM
Thanks Mom! Here are the pictures!

Me and my 65 lb. Sadie girl:

And Oreo and I both as babies (okay, I was 14)


01-12-2003, 02:46 PM
Wolf_Q, Nebo looks so thrillled in the first picture but two good pictures.

CountryWolf07, Anna is a very pretty dog.

anna_66, Roxey looks like she's loving making you strain by picking her up.

01-12-2003, 02:47 PM
Forgot to add in last post that I'm sorry that I can't post any pics cause i have good pic sof my dog and my hamsters but I don't have a clue as to how to get them small enough so that they will let me post them.

01-12-2003, 05:37 PM
Here we go:

Katie and me:

With me again:

6' Dustin holding Katie:

Dustin and Bull:

5'7" Me and Bull:


01-12-2003, 06:56 PM
Didn't you people read what this post said? Puppies!!!! Dogs!!! Not HORSES OR BEARS!!! LOL. I can't believe how big some of your dogs are...and that you all are silly enough to pick them up...he he he..

Yet another reason to LIVE WITH CATS!

Seriously, those are some wonderful pictures.

01-12-2003, 07:13 PM
LOL great pics everyone! These are too funny! This is very amusing to see all of you picking up those big dogs! :D Keep the pics coming!!

Here's a new pic of me with all 3........I forgot to get one of me actually holding them...just me sitting with all 3 was hard enough!! But I will get a real pic of me picking up the big red boy. :)


01-13-2003, 04:09 PM
Originally posted by Cataholic
Didn't you people read what this post said? Puppies!!!! Dogs!!! Not HORSES OR BEARS!!! LOL. I can't believe how big some of your dogs are...and that you all are silly enough to pick them up...he he he..

Yet another reason to LIVE WITH CATS!

Seriously, those are some wonderful pictures.

See, Johanna, if you lived with dogs, instead of cats, you would know that no matter how big they get, they ARE puppies!!!! Just as I'm sure your cats, a "kitties" :)

Dakota's Mommy
01-14-2003, 11:37 AM
Here's a pic of my mom picking up her pup, Snoopy!

01-15-2003, 09:28 AM
Originally posted by Cincy'sMom

See, Johanna, if you lived with dogs, instead of cats, you would know that no matter how big they get, they ARE puppies!!!!

Really girl, what's wrong with you;) They are puppies no matter their size!
And yep guys, I just had to try it with my big boy, talk about straining:eek: He is waaaaaay to heavy for me to hardly even pick up his front legs!
The girls aren't that heavy, expecially Huney, she's only around 30 lbs and I think Roxey is maybe 5-10 lbs heavier...I can't remember for sure

01-15-2003, 08:11 PM
:o OK, here goes...



and NOW:

Has he grown just a little!?!?! Where'd my cute tiny baby puppy go???? :(

01-15-2003, 08:32 PM
Aww! Look at you Malone! You got so big! Cute pics!!

01-16-2003, 08:03 AM
Anna, how in the world did you pick Malone up? He looks like he's gotten huge:eek: But soooo adorable:)

01-16-2003, 02:57 PM
This is our friend, Toni with our two angels. She is a member of our RV Club and also our neighbor. She is Ricky & Lucy Tu's official "God Mother"

01-16-2003, 05:55 PM
I finally got a pic of me holding my Cincy-Bear :)


Aspen and Misty
01-16-2003, 06:14 PM
Here is me holding Chewy, wow is that boy long! LOL. He weighs alot to, my poor back


01-17-2003, 04:08 PM
Those Chihuaha's are so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chewy is adorable too!!!

01-17-2003, 04:12 PM
Aww, cute pictures everyone :D:D

01-17-2003, 08:50 PM
hehe, these are some great pics. Here's mine.

Me with Smudge...he really doesn't like being picked up.

Tama and I, he's the easiest to one to pick up...I think you guys can understand why.

and the Winter girl and I. I swear she thinks she's a lap dog.

01-17-2003, 11:23 PM
All these pictures are SO funny! I Can't believe you guys.

I promise I will get a picture with my doggies!

01-19-2003, 11:03 PM
All My dogs are way, WAY too, big for me to carry, i'd break my back hahaha!!

01-20-2003, 05:21 AM
Love the pics, Mike! Especially this one...


It's like Jasmine (?) is poking in you saying, "Me too, huh, Dad? Me too?" ;) :D

01-20-2003, 06:01 AM
So cute, everyone! Could I lift a great dane??? HECK no! Graham is a meer 46 pounds, so he's cake to carry, but Kersey is 71 pounds and I have a bad lower back so I am not even going to try it!!!

01-20-2003, 11:49 AM
Hey Mike, would you mind picking up Daisy AND Jazzy at the same time? ;)

Cute pics everyone!! Holey Moley as Malone grown!! :eek: :D

Okay, I gonna borrow the work camera and have someone take a pic of me picking up Kia. She's gonna hate me.. ;) LOL!

01-21-2003, 07:58 AM
Mike, how in the world did you pick up Jasmine?! You have a much stronger back than me:D

01-21-2003, 08:09 AM
Since I always seem to be behind the camera, this is the only picture I have of me holding a pup, which is one of my favorite things to do!! This was taken last spring at a Golden Retriever adoption day at Petsmart, and I was holding Weston, one of the foster puppies. That's my Lilly standing in front of me.


But here's Helen sort of "holding" her baby, Honey, one of my all time favorite pictures!


01-27-2003, 12:53 AM
Oh no....here's some more pics........

01-27-2003, 12:56 AM
And here's my friend, Melissa, with Lady.

Dakota's Mommy
02-20-2003, 01:45 PM
I know I promised this a while ago, but I finally got it for you. So, here they are, our puppies picked up!

02-20-2003, 06:54 PM
lol, I love that last pic!

02-20-2003, 07:00 PM
HOw did he pick him up?

02-20-2003, 07:08 PM
awww i really wanna digital camera!!! eeep!!! then i could take such cute pics!!!

02-20-2003, 08:43 PM
Put one in layaway!! Love the picture of your husband picking up Dakota Christy!!

Dakota's Mommy
02-21-2003, 10:18 AM
I Love all the pics! They are so cute. I just wish that I could see your husband picking up Jasmine Mugsy! I can't see the pics that he posted for some reason, and I really, really wanna see those!

Anyways, great pics everybody!

Amy, as you pick up Cincy, Taggert's standing there looking at you like, "Hey, that's my buddy, put her down, I wanna play"

Tucker is so cute, not just as a pup, but also now!

What's cuties we all have!

02-21-2003, 06:07 PM
I wish i could put pics of my dog on here

Dakota's Mommy
03-05-2003, 09:26 AM
Well, I personally think it's a bad pic, especially of me, but here's one of me picking up Sierra! I'm sure we'll have more later, but this is the one we've got for now since we pulled out the Polariod!
Christy & Sierra

03-06-2003, 04:40 AM
it doesn't look like it, but I actually up picking up Lucy here...she's kind of sitting on my lap!


03-06-2003, 05:10 AM
Aaaaaagh Lucy is *soooo* cute!!! How old is Lucy now?

10-31-2003, 12:44 PM
FINALLY!! I got a pictures of Jenn and I picking up Kia. :D She wasn't too happy... ;)

Jenn got to her first....

then my turn!

10-31-2003, 03:58 PM
It's about time!! ;)

Great photos! :D

I loved this thread :) Maybe now that it's back up we'll get to see more photos!?

11-01-2003, 08:39 AM
Boy this is an old thread, but a VERY cute idea!!!!

I'll give pictures a shot, Sierra, no prob... Buddy.... uh... we'll see

11-01-2003, 04:07 PM
Me and Kaedyn *NOT a flattering pic of me :p*

Here's me trying to hold up 38 pounds of sheltie :D

11-02-2003, 07:28 PM
Great pic everyone! :) I *finally* got some pics of me holding Timber. But holding 64 pounds of hyper mutt is enough to give you a double chin and red face from the strain, so I had to blurp out my face is the most undecent of them lol.

This was the first time I've used the timer. It's goes so fast though, I hardly had any time to pick her up at all. :eek:

She's trying to get the treats out of my hand in this pic lol. I had to bribe her or she wouldn't jump up for me to pick her up lol. What a nice double chin I have...:rolleyes:

11-02-2003, 10:25 PM
Me and Emily


Me and Clipse


Me and the shelties :)


01-16-2004, 08:47 PM
ok here is a pic of me holding baby a couple months ago :)

01-16-2004, 08:49 PM

tikeya and timber holding eachother hahaha

01-16-2004, 09:07 PM
Ahhh :( I wanna see Anna trying to lift angus, but the pictures wont show up :(

01-17-2004, 12:34 AM
W:eek:W! Seeing this thread and my old post made me just realize something... I've been a member of Pet Talk for over a year now! How exciting! It's gone by so fast :)

01-17-2004, 10:26 AM
I was wondering how I missed this thread and then finally realized how old it was. I sure enjoyed the pictures that still showed up though :D