View Full Version : Mia

05-16-2020, 09:18 PM
Hey..... feel like poooo. Just took Mia to the vet, she been throwing up and its mostly foam. Had to take her in, SO glad I did. They will keep her for a few days and run tests. Had to grocery shop right after with masks and all the social distancing crap, yada yada... helluva a day. So happy to be home, Lily is here, does not miss Mia one measly bit. I just can't stop crying, pent up emotions I suppose coming out. The day has been long. They will do x rays. Sure hope the vet phones soon, she said she would phone today but it is getting late. Thanks for listening, I sur mis Mia already

05-16-2020, 09:27 PM
We are sending all our loving good wishes and prayers and warm healing energies for both Mia and you, mon. Here's hoping for promising words from the vet.

{{{{{HUGS}}}}} and ~~~~PURRRS~~~~ and :love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love: from Pat and Sparkler and Galaxy

05-16-2020, 11:22 PM
Thank you SO much! Just talked to the vet, her X-rays turned up fine 👍🏿 I just can't wait until she is better and comes home. I am so emotional, maybe just all the isolation, worry and her age built up. I just can't stop crying. I have such a pain in my chest, I'm sure this too shall pass. Lots of worrisome things have been happening in the world and a body can only take so much sadness I suppose. That young man that was gunned down was shown live on the television so many times and it is so painful to watch. I sure wish that never happened, it is so heartbreaking. Maybe I need to go to the Dr. and get a checkup, it's not like anyone wants to go out in this pandemic, creepy, germy time but maybe I'm overreacting and brainwashed somewhat. Just thanks for listening very much, from the bottom of my heart 🌈 All the very best to you.❤️

05-17-2020, 02:37 PM

Cry all you need to. Mia is in good hands and the x-ray was clear.

Maybe you can't actually see your doctor but call the office anyway.

I sent you a PM. :love:

05-17-2020, 06:07 PM
Prayers on the way, both for Mia and for you.

05-17-2020, 10:59 PM
Thank you so much. We visited her today, she is on constant I.V.. Shawn and I were in a visiting room with her. we cuddled, she had a blanket.tried everything to get her to eat..NOPE. She's cold, was shivering off and on. Seemed to like the sound of our voices, our smell... Shawn even went to the store and bought her favorite tuna. She's having none of of that, NO sireee.had to leave. Can only wait for the best news tommorrow. I'm hoping for best news 🤜🏻🤛🐾🐾🐾🐾👍🏿😻it's so hard

05-18-2020, 07:25 AM
We're sending more love and good wishes and prayers and healing energies to Mia and you all.


05-18-2020, 09:16 AM
Come on, sweet Mia, eat! I hope it doesn't take an appetite pill of some kind to make you eat.

Poor shivering baby. Sending PT Prayers that Mia heals quickly.:love::love:

05-18-2020, 08:09 PM
Thanks everyone, more than you know. Just got back from a visit,she looks better, they say she ate. She wouldn't eat for us and we brought her favorite food and bowls but so what. She seemed pleased to see us and is still on I.V. she did quite a walkabout, got plenty of cuddles and smooches..... so happy🤧😂 be happier when we can bring her home! Really appreciate all of the concern, it has really helped and means a lot ❤️🤜🏻🤛👍🏿 Maybe a few more days, she'll be right as rain!

05-19-2020, 12:40 AM
Well done Mia.

05-23-2020, 08:19 PM
How is Mia doing now?

Sending more good wishes and healing energies...

{{{{{HUGS}}}}} and ~~~~PURRRS~~~~ and :love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love: from Pat and cats

05-24-2020, 12:04 AM
Oh man, sorry for not updating you all who are concerned. She was there at the vet from Sat. to Wed. I think. The Doc deemed her fit to come home. She needs 3 different meds 2 times a day, she hates that! Other than that she is doing great! She is not in pain any longer and stopped vomiting. We have had no real explanation or diagnosis. It's a mystery. I just want her healthy, a reason would be nice but if not, oh well. She does get diarrhea from all the meds sometimes, poor baby. Can't wait until they are all gone. Her favorite place to snooze today was in a beer flat with a tea towel on it, she liked it so I put it on the balcony for her and she had a lovely nap. She is eating like a trucker and a very happy cat 🤜🏻🤛👍🏿❤️💕😘😻🌈😻😺😸🤞🏾🤞🏾

05-24-2020, 12:14 AM
P.s. She needs to take a 4th medication tomorrow, every 3 days for her appetite, just like you figured. Never have I ever had to administer so many meds to one tiny, wee cat. Seem to be working so I'm fine with it. She sure hates it though. 1200$ so far, glad we're not broke 😸👍🏿😻🐾