View Full Version : Mr. Jones has a leaky eye.

01-05-2003, 11:51 AM
I noticed last night that Mr. Jones has a leaky eye.

There is no redness and the liquid is clear, and forms a tear drop. I can see the thrid eye lid a little and he's guarding his eye. Keeping it 30% closed. But he can open it fully.

I started painting a room today, but I noticed this last night.
:confused: Snowy's eyes are sensitive to paint fumes, but he's OK.

These things always happen to me on the weekend. I will decide tomorrow if this is vet worthy. What do you all think?

01-05-2003, 12:19 PM
It could be caused by the paint-fumes . But to be sure , I would certainly contact a vet tomorrow . It is always better to be sure , hey !!:)

01-05-2003, 12:56 PM

But it started last night, before I started to paint.:confused:

01-05-2003, 05:20 PM
He may have an allergy to something else since it happened before you started to paint. Pepper's right eye also tears all the time and the vet said that he has a blocked tear duct and that it's nothing serious. I clean Pepper's eye several times a day. He actually seems to enjoy this. Maybe you should take him to the vet to be sure it's nothing serious. Good luck.

01-05-2003, 06:49 PM
Keep in mind thqt they can get dirt in it just like we can. Also, a select couple of mine always seem to be "poking themselves in the eye" and it waters for a time and goes away. So it is not ALWAYS something bad.

01-05-2003, 07:35 PM

Jen is right, it could just be an irritation. You could try putting a warm, moist facecloth on his eye. That might help. It could very well just be dust, dirt or particle that's in his eye. As long as he's eating, using the box and not acting lethargic or the eye isn't swollen, I'd just keep an eye (no pun intended :rolleyes: )on it.

01-07-2003, 12:03 AM
Could it be a blocked tear duct? One of my cats has two blocked tear ducts and I was assured by several vets that it's better to leave it. I just have to wipe her eyes with tissue once in a while.
In any event I would take your cat to the vets for a diagnosis.