View Full Version : Gentlebun Mr. Fluffy

09-08-2019, 10:38 AM

Congratulations on being Pet of the Day.
Your name, "Mr. Fluffy" fits you perfectly.
You like to keep yourself nice and clean
Celebrate your world famous day

09-08-2019, 04:09 PM
Hi Mr. Fluffy in Germany! Happy Pet of the Day!:)

What a beautiful, immaculately groomed Lion-head Dwarf bunny you are, Mr. Fluffy; a true "English Gentleman!"

Your human may have believed she/he wasn't a bunny lover, but that was before she/he met you! Yes, it definitely was a case of love at first sight, at first lick, and the rest is happy, hoppy history!

Originally I didn't want a rabbit-pet, but then a friend of my sister had some rabbit kits and couldn't care for all of them. This friend offered us to pick some but as soon as I saw him, and he and I were bonded. I grabbed him and held him tight up to my chest and he started to lick my fingers, as some way to clean them and show he cares. It was so cute !
I still smile when I think about it

How lucky you are, Mr. Fluffy, having found your way to such a caring and devoted family! Wow! 8 kitties and 50 fishies? That's what I call a true animal loving family!:D What a very special bond of love you and your human share, Mr. Fluffy! She/he is so very lucky, having a furkid as beautiful, as sweet and loving, as special as you! I was going to call you her/his "Pet of a Lifetime," but as she/he says, you truly are her/his "Pet of Eternity!":cool:

Thanks for the BIG smiles, sweetheart! Meeting you today has been the perfect end to my day! I hope you're enjoying a very special day of celebration...playing with brother Tino; scampering about your "rabbit castle," maybe enjoying some fun time in your garden; munching on some yummy kohlrabi; cuddling with your human; being loved and pampered to pieces! Lots of love, snuggles and smooches to you, precious Mr. Fluffy, our very special and most deserving Pet of the Day, EVERY day! Love to dear brother Tino, too!:love::love::love:

SO sweet!!!

09-08-2019, 04:33 PM
Mr.Fluffy could not be cuter! I didn't know that bunnies could have such wee ears. I thought all bunsters had long ears, of course Mr. Fluffys ears are absolutely perfect and adorable. Magnificent POTD!

09-08-2019, 04:52 PM
Dearest Mr. Fluffy, you are adorable! What a beautiful Lion-head Dwarf Rabbit you are! Your fluffy grey and white fur is so pretty and looks so very soft, and what a sweet face you have with those lovely big dark eyes and those short cute ears. You are your dear person's first rabbit. He/she wasn't sure about getting a rabbit, but you two met and bonded instantly! And then your person's sister adopted your brother Tino! Now you both have your own li'l "rabbit-castle," and your persons take very good care of you. You all love each other very much, don't you. Your person says you are her/his Pet of Eternity! What a wonderful love-filled home you share!

Congratulations, darling Mr. Fluffy, on being chosen today's Pet of the Day! We hope you and your dear Tino and persons and all your family and friends are enjoying a fine celebration, full of fun and lovies and all your favorite games and treats, maybe even a special serving of kohlrabi!


09-08-2019, 08:13 PM
Hello, Mr. Fluffy in Germany! Happy Bunny Pet of the Day!

What a sweet bunny you are! I like your fluffy, soft fur and your cute ears! I smiled when I read how you and Tino have your own rabbit castle, and how much you are loved! I agree completely with my friend tatsxxx11- I hope you have had a very special day. Maybe spending time in the garden, eating some kohlrabi, and receiving cuddles and snuggles! Happy, happy Bunny Pet of the Day to Mr. Fluffy, and love to Tino!

Felicia's Mom
09-08-2019, 09:14 PM
Mr Fluffy is so cute with his short ears and his pretty fur that looks so soft.

Congratulations on being today's Pet of the Day!

09-09-2019, 04:38 AM
Congratulations, Mr. Fluffy, on being POTD! You are a sweet, little, precious indoor pet! :) We'd love to see your "rabbit castle" in your human family's home. Sending best wishes to you (and Tino) for happy, healthy, fun, safe lives! :love: http://www.guineapigsrfun.net