View Full Version : Precious Pepe

03-03-2019, 11:30 AM

R.I.P. little Pepe.
You had a wonderful life, much better
than most dogs could ever hope for.
You are very much missed.

03-03-2019, 01:15 PM
To the parents of precious Pepe~

I'm so sorry to hear of the passing of your beautiful, most precious boy, Pepe. It's easy to see how handily he won over your hearts, a case of love at first sight for you and for him!:)

We are so thankful to families such as yours, those who choose rescue, opening up their home and hearts to beautiful and deserving pups such as Pepe. We don't need to tell you how rewarding a decision it is, for their gratitude is never ending, their love unconditional, the comfort and joy they bring to our lives truly a priceless gift.

Pepe was one lucky boy, to have lived such a happy, carefree, love filled life, rich with not only human love, but the companionship of so many furry friends, from kitty bro Sam to his neighborhood doggie buddies. We can only imagine how much his joyful exuberance, his antics, his devoted companionship is missed not only by you, his human family, but brother Sam and his pup pals as well. And while he may no longer be there with you in body, his spirit lives on in your hearts and in the countless happy memories you made, bringing you comfort until that happy day of reunion. And as you say, no doubt your beloved Poodle boy Bud welcomed him over the Rainbow Bridge with open paws, his passed doggie friend, too, the lot of them now chowing down on a never ending feast of fave foods, chasing squirrels, making all sorts of mischief, having a blast! Your Pepe truly was a treasure, one in a million, and we thank you for giving us the opportunity to pay tribute to him and the very special bond he and your family shared. He truly is so deserving of the title Dog of the Day, EVERY day!

And to Pepe~ How blessed your family was to have known your love and devoted companionship those many years sweetheart. And now, having earned your angel wings, your only job is to have fun up there at the Rainbow Bridge, healthy and whole once more, playing with Bud and your bestie doggie bud from the 'hood and all of our beloved fur angels until that wonderful day when you and your family are together once more. Oh! What a joyful day that will be! And Pepe, beautiful boy, send down your love to your Mom and Dad and to Sam. They miss you so very much!:love::love::love:

So beautiful...
Best friends!!!

Felicia's Mom
03-03-2019, 04:45 PM
Congratulations on being Dog of the Day, Angel Pepe!

03-03-2019, 05:50 PM
Dearest Pepe Angel, what a beautiful Chihuahua you are, and what a wonderful story you have to tell. You were adopted as a puppy from a local rescue not long after your family had lost their beloved poodle Bud. You were a surprise and a joy for them, love at first sight! Five years later Sam the kitty joined the family, and you two became best buddies. You and they were all together until you joined Bud Angel at the Rainbow Bridge last April. Your dear family members miss you very much! We hope your choice as today's Dog of the Day will help to bring them some comfort as you are celebrated the world around. You and they all love each other very much, don't you. What a wonderful love-filled home you have shared and always will!

Congratulations, darling Pepe Angel, on being chosen today's Dog of the Day! We hope your dear people and Sam and all your family and friends are enjoying a fine celebration, full of fun and lovies and precious memories and all your favorite games and treats. We know Bud Angel and all the Angels are rejoicing with you!


03-04-2019, 03:36 AM
Pepe was the best of the best. So happy to celebrate Pepe's life today, he was SO adorable!

03-04-2019, 09:50 PM

Congratulations on being our very special Dog of the day! I know you are looking down on your family, always watching over them. They are sending you endless love 💕.
You has your unique personality. You loved to play with your doggy neighbors and would run back and fourth trying to give them equal attention 😆. You made many friends in your life, and they all love you and miss you.
Just know that you will forever be in their hearts ♥️.