View Full Version : Grieving kitties

02-02-2019, 10:57 AM
A few days, after Monroe had passed away, I noticed that the kitties were acting differently.
Miss Kitty visited all of Monroe's favorite places, and she looked confused when she couldn't find him.
Then, Clover stopped eating. I was terrified to have another sick cat.
I had him checked out, and, physically, there was nothing wrong with him. But he hadn't eaten in 3 days, so I was very worried. The vet suggested that he potentially was grieving over Monroe. That had crossed my mind.
She told me to try an appetite stimulant. It took only one dose, and now he's eating again, but he is very quiet and not as playful.
And poor Olive is hollering more than usual. It's something she does occasionally, but now she's vocalizing for a couple of hours every evening.
The only one who doesn't seem to be affected is Mindy. She was never very fond of her brother.
When Willa died, none of them seemed different, but she always kept to herself. Monroe, on the other hand, was always in the middle of everything.
I think that this will take some time and some extra attention!

02-02-2019, 11:46 AM
Yes, time and attention, extra love for them, and you'll get extra love in return. Sending hugs for you and skritches for them.

02-02-2019, 12:57 PM
I remember when I lost Chessie, Casey was constantly looking around for him. Even though I showed him Chessie before taking him to my parents' house for burial (he wouldn't go near him and hissed at him), he was constantly looking around for Chessie. I was constantly tripping over him as he was getting underfoot whenever I turned around. If he heard the slightest noise come from a different part of the townhouse, he'd take off running to look.


02-02-2019, 01:54 PM
How sad for the kitties and for you. Hoping lots of hugs and cuddles will help you all. :love::love:

02-02-2019, 03:34 PM
Oh, I'm so sorry. Time and extra attention and loads of love for all (including you!) sounds like the way to go. You are all grieving your losses.

We are sending loads of love and purrrs and kitty kisses and skritches and hugs for you all.

{{{{{HUGS}}}}} and ~~~~PURRRS~~~~ and :love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love: from Pat and Sparkler and Galaxy

02-02-2019, 10:02 PM
SEnding more hugs, love and caring thoughts :love: to you.

02-03-2019, 01:48 AM
Sendings hugs to all of you and loads of scritches, pets , attention and love to kitties.

Maya & Inka's mommy
02-03-2019, 08:48 AM
We had and have same thing here

In 2018 3 of our "Gabriels Girls" crossed the bridge, so little Snoopy was all of a sudden the only cat in the house....
She went to all the catbeds and all the different places where she usually found her furr-friends.....
Although she and Inka were NOT the best friends, she missed her too...
She didn't eat much, and stayed in one of the catbeds, sleeps almost all day long....
It is now two months ago, and she plays and eats a bit more.
She needs lots of lovies from us too

We know she is lonely...
Lots of people say "get a new friend" for her.
I would love to, but my hubby wants to wait untill November/December
The reason: we are having a new house build, and we will move before the end of this year.
He says that the new cat will have to ajust to two different houses in rather a short time.....
No idea if he is right though... , but he will stick to his opinion here

02-03-2019, 10:52 AM
We had and have same thing here

In 2018 3 of our "Gabriels Girls" crossed the bridge, so little Snoopy was all of a sudden the only cat in the house....
She went to all the catbeds and all the different places where she usually found her furr-friends.....
Although she and Inka were NOT the best friends, she missed her too...
She didn't eat much, and stayed in one of the catbeds, sleeps almost all day long....
It is now two months ago, and she plays and eats a bit more.
She needs lots of lovies from us too

We know she is lonely...
Lots of people say "get a new friend" for her.
I would love to, but my hubby wants to wait untill November/December
The reason: we are having a new house build, and we will move before the end of this year.
He says that the new cat will have to ajust to two different houses in rather a short time.....
No idea if he is right though... , but he will stick to his opinion here

I tried to get some info on grieving kitties, and one article suggested not to get a new cat right away. They said it only would add more stress to an already upset cat.


02-03-2019, 01:51 PM
You are going above and beyond, doing everything right. Of course you and the cats are grieving, each in your own, individual ways. I am sure they pick up on your sense of loss and that is also a factor in their behaviour. We all must feel our emotions and carry on, forward we go when even it feels like our hearts may break. You will always have understanding peeps at Pet Talk and sharing your feelings is so important. We understand and if we can help in any way, will certainly let you know. As I said, you are doing everything right and I am so sorry Monroe passed so suddenly and far too soon. huge bear hug🐻🐻

02-04-2019, 05:34 PM
Thank you, mon. :love:

02-05-2019, 03:36 AM
I'm sure cats grieve, too. Miss Kitty, Clover and Olive just can't understand where Monroe has gone. :( I hope that time and lots of cuddles/attention will help ease the pain - for all of you.

((((hugs)))) :love:

02-05-2019, 11:10 AM
Thank you, Randi!:love:
Everybody is getting extra lovies. Right now, it is just too quiet.:(