View Full Version : Beautiful Bumble Bee

11-03-2018, 11:55 AM

Congratulations on being Dog of the Day.
You just may be the cutest dog ever,
including your name Bumble Bee.
I can just see you buzzing around.
Celebrate your special day.

11-03-2018, 02:14 PM
Hi Bumble Bee, cutest dog ever!:D Happy Dog of the Day!:)

What an adorable, spunky, life loving boy you are, Bumble Bee, small in stature perhaps. But just as your mommy says, when it comes to personality and heart you're Mastiff sized!:D I can just picture you strutting yourself around Central Park on a Sunday afternoon, turning heads, making friends with all you meet! If ever a pup was deserving of the adage "never met a stranger" it's you! How lucky your human is, having a furkid as beautiful and smart, as sweet and loving, as special as you, Bumble Bee! You're simply the best, cute as can be, and so very deserving of your big day in the spotlight!

Thanks for the BIG smiles, cutie pie! Meeting you today, seeing your utterly heart-melting photos (those eyes!), has been a real treat! I hope you're enjoying a very special Dog of the celebration...enjoying a nice, long walk and playing to your heart's content; receiving tons of kisses and belly rubs; being loved and pampered to pieces by your family and all of your adoring friends and fans; treated to all your heart desires and more...on demand!:p;) Lots of love and cuddles, kisses and belly rubs to you, precious Bumble Bee, our very special and most deserving Dog of the Day, EVERY day!:love::love::love:

Be still my heart! Those eyes!!!

11-03-2018, 08:23 PM
Dearest Bumble Bee, you are adorable! What a sweet, precious little being you are! You have a delightful personality and make your dear person smile with all your energy and antics. You and he/she love each other very much, don't you. What a wonderful love-filled home you share!

Congratulations, darling Bumble Bee, on being chosen today's Dog of the Day! We hope you and your dear person and all your family and friends are enjoying a fine celebration, full of fun and lovies and all your favorite games and treats.


11-03-2018, 08:47 PM
It gives me great joy to celebrate darling Bumble Bee as our DOTD! What an adorable little dog, okay "big dog". I'm positive I'd give her everything she wanted too as... she deserves it, and who could resist that face?? Hope Bumble Bee and her loving peeps have many more wonderful years together in the Big Apple, do they still call it that? Huge cuddles to B.B. Please!

Felicia's Mom
11-03-2018, 09:02 PM
What an adorable Pug you are. Congratulations on being DOTD, Beautiful Bumble Bee!