View Full Version : Heroic Raleigh

11-01-2018, 10:40 AM

Congratulations on being Dog of the Day.
You are so lucky to have found a family
who truly cares about you
in sickness and in health.
Celebrate your special day, and many more

11-01-2018, 11:48 AM
Greetings, Raleigh! Happy Dog of the Day!:)

What a pleasure it is to meet you, sweetheart, having the honor of paying tribute to one most most deserving senior (though you don't look half your age!:eek:)! You truly are one handsome Cocker boy, Raleigh! Your black and white Parti colored coat is gorgeous (those curls!), and those big, brown of yours...total heart-melters!

I was so touched, Raleigh, reading your mommy's love filled tribute, learning of your heartwarming rags to riches, homecoming story, of the very special bond you and your daddy, David, have forged, beginning with those noontime visits to the shelter; taking you on walks as you healed; patiently waiting for that happy day when he could take you home! And how well you have repaid his and your mommy's compassion, bringing so much joy to their lives, not to mention saving your daddy's life! Sounds like a case of mutual rescue to me! You do all of your Cocker predecessors proud! How very blessed your mommy and daddy are, having a beautiful, sweet and loving furkid in you, Raleigh! You're a treasure, just as special as can be, and so very deserving of your big day of honor!

Great thanks to your mom and dad for sharing your heartwarming backstory and all of those utterly heart-melting photos with us! Meeting you has been a joy! I hope you're enjoying a very special Dog of the Day celebration...taking a leisurely walk with your daddy, cuddling with your mom, being loved and pampered to pieces, treated to all your heart desires and more! Lots of love, hugs and kisses to you, beautiful Raleigh, our very special and most deserving Dog of the Day, EVERY day!:love::love::love:

No words needed...:love::love::love:

11-01-2018, 12:55 PM
Hello, Raleigh in Pennsylvania! Happy Dog of the Day!

What a handsome fellow you are with your wavy fur and your heart-melting brown eyes! One look from you and I would be happy to do whatever you like!

How wonderful that your daddy met you while you were still at the shelter. He took you for walks, and you got acquainted. Then, when you were ready, you went home! The walks continued and your dad figured out he had a health problem to take care of. You rescued each other! Now you are enjoying your senior years, staying close to your parents, being part of the routines. I hope your dad will give you some enormous hugs for me to celebrate your special day!

Happy Dog of the Day to wonderful Raleigh!

11-01-2018, 01:33 PM
OMG, just look at that sweet face!!! Dearest Raleigh, you are absolutely adorable, not just in looks but also in spirit. What a wonderful Cocker guy you are, and what a terrific story of love and care and devotion and rescue you and your dear Dad have to tell! Clearly you and he are a pair that was meant to be ;). You and Dad and all your family members love each other very much, don't you. What a delightful love-filled home you share!

Congratulations, darling Raleigh, on being chosen today's Dog of the Day! We hope you and your dear Dad and all your family and friends are enjoying a fine celebration, full of fun and lovies and all your favorite games and treats.


11-01-2018, 04:19 PM
Raleigh is a lovely DOTD! So happy to see him and know what a wonderful family he has❤️ Please forward a big cuddle from me!

Felicia's Mom
11-01-2018, 08:57 PM
Congratulations on being DOTD, adorable Raleigh!