View Full Version : Beautiful Bonzai and Geronimo!

10-09-2018, 02:31 PM
Greetings Bonzai and Geronimo! Happy Pets of the Day!:)

How lucky we are, being treated to a double dose of Coatimundi cuteness today! You two make for one precious pair! Until today I had never heard of your beautiful, unique and rare (in captivity) species, and so meeting you today has been such fun, and I learned a lot too! Speaking of fun, you sure do bring a ton of fun, and love, to your human's life, though as she/he says, your species is not for the inexperienced, for those unable to provide the time and supervision your species requires! (Your antics had me laughing out loud...Dishes?:eek::D) Thankfully, you and your Coatimundi siblings found you way to a devoted, responsible, experienced Coatimundi mom/dad, all of your needs being met, truly living the good life; treated to only best in accommodations, a yummy diet, and all the toys and playtime a Coati could want! And how lucky your human is, having two such beautiful, sweet and loving, most entertaining furkids in you two! The joy, love and laughter you bring to her/his life is a priceless gift! You two truly are just as special as can be, beautiful inside and out, and so very deserving of your big day in the spotlight!

Thanks for the BIG smiles, boys! Meeting you today, seeing your squee worthy photos, has been a joy! I hope you're enjoying a very special, fun and love filled day of celebration...getting into all sort of (supevised) mischief; romping and digging in your outdoor playground (how cool is that!!!), maybe enjoying a dip in your pool; chowing down on yummy scrambled eggs and Fig Newtons, lol; being loved and pampered to pieces! Lots of love *hugs* and *kisses* to you, precious Bonzai and Geronimo, our very special and most deserving Pets of the Day, EVERY day! Love to all of your furry friends, too!:love::love::love:

Be still my heart!!!

Such fun!!!

10-09-2018, 03:09 PM

Congratulations on being Pets of the Day.
What a couple of cuties who keep your family on their toes.
Sounds like you are very smart and can get into a lot of things.
Celebrate your special day.

10-09-2018, 04:04 PM
Hello, Bonzai and Geronimo! I have never met a Coatimundi before - it is two for Tuesday with both of you here on Pet of the Day!

I don't think you need to know any tricks because you are so busy! You are interested in shiny things and use your hands to open doors, play with your many toys, dig in sand, pop the knobs off the stove and take the dishes from the cupboard! Or crash in your hammock and just watch the world going by!

What long tails you have! I am guessing they're useful for balance - I like the ringed pattern around Bonsai's tail!

You have a diverse diet including foods like eggs, vegetables and meats, and some fruit! I would be glad to serve you a Fig Newton if your person says you may have one ... since I can't, though, I hope you'll be allowed one for your special day! Or a piece of delicious vegetable or fruit.

I am happy to meet you! Happy Pet of the Day to Bonsai and Geronimo!

10-09-2018, 05:57 PM
Congratulations, Bonzai and Geronimo, on sharing POTD honors today! (We :love: your names!) You are 2 handsome, clever, lovable fellows! :) I never heard of your species before but I find you fascinating, brilliant and adorable. You have so many cool toys and places to play. Bet you love opening birthday/Christmas presents, too! Sending best wishes for continued happy, healthy, fun, safe lives, Cuties! :love::love: http://www.guineapigsrfun.net

10-09-2018, 10:41 PM
Never heard of these adorable creatures before but they are crazy cute! So glad you know what you are doing and that they are in excellent hands! Amazing little dudes, I am SO thrilled these two are POTD!

10-10-2018, 08:59 AM
I thought those were coatis. My dad's friend had one as a pet and I got to pet it. I was about four. They certainly aren't for everyone as they are more exotic and need special considerations. Yours are obviously well loved and cared for. Question....are they spayed/neutered? Is that something that is done normally for captive coatis?