View Full Version : Herpes going around

09-21-2018, 06:14 PM
There seems to be a slight herpes outbreak at my house.
Monday evening, Olive started squinting one eye. On Tuesday, the vet stained her eye to make sure there weren't any scratches, and she took her eye pressures to check for glaucoma. Everything was normal, except for the squinting and some discharge.
Olive was put on eye medication, and she seems to be better.
A few days ago, Miss Kitty started sneezing and some coughing, so she was seen today. No chest congestion, or colored nasal discharge. No medication needed. She had a similar episode several weeks ago, and it resolved.
In both cases, the verdict is a herpes flare-up.
All my cats have been on Viralys for years. I'm not sure what could have stressed them out, but then again, kitties are an enigma!;)

"Look mom, you don't have to take me to the vet for every little sneeze!"

09-22-2018, 11:04 AM
Poor kitties!

09-22-2018, 12:34 PM
We hope you kitties are all well again soon!


09-22-2018, 01:41 PM
Doubling up on the Viralys to get the sniffles out of here!;)

09-23-2018, 12:59 AM
Gute Besserung liebe Kitties:love:

09-23-2018, 12:34 PM
Vielen Dank, Prathima!:love: Sie fuehlen sich ein bisschen better.
They are a little better, but Miss Kitty is still sneezing, and not eating as well.:(

09-25-2018, 03:00 PM
I hope everyone feels much better soon!

09-25-2018, 09:29 PM
I have a cat health question, my older cat Mia jumps on the island every time I crack open the margarine ( every day) I give her a small dot on my finger which she licks off with great glee and happiness. Only once a day but I've been doing it for years now. I expect you all are going to tell me it is unhealthy. I hope not, it's one of her guilty pleasures, how freakin bad can it be? Anyhow, it's "I can't believe it's not butter", it's only a wee dab..... should I quit??. I have been wondering what you all might think so I'm ready to hear it please.

09-26-2018, 06:48 PM
You have been doing it for years, and she's fine. So I think that Mia can keep enjoying her guilty pleasure.
When I have a beer, Monroe can't wait to lick the bottle opening. And Miss Kitty gets to lick the spoon, every time I have tapioca pudding.

09-28-2018, 12:06 AM
Alright! Thanks a million, she just loves a bit of margarine. I was thinking that maybe the salt or something would make cat lovers frown 😫 Last thing we wanna do is harm our cats I know. 👍🏿

09-28-2018, 12:11 AM
P.s. Mia licks my tapioca or vanilla ice cream or pudding spoon too! A little bit is fine, just a tiny smigeon...
excellent, that's a relief 😺

09-28-2018, 03:17 PM
Dear Miss Kitty, you are beautiful and I like how you picked a cushion that matches your fur so well :love:

Dear cats4ever and mon, may I hijack this thread for one quick Cassie story? I had friends coming over for supper, had the table set. It was a chili supper and a friend was bringing corn bread, so I put out the butter dish. My friends arrived, I went to get the door. When we returned, guess who was on the table tasting the butter in the dish! I was so surprised! I replaced the stick of butter with a fresh one. Stinker! (I don't remember whether it was real butter or margarine, and she didn't get very much off the stick because it was still fairly solid from the refrigerator.) She hid under the sofa while we were eating. One of my friends, who is a total cat person, coaxed her out with her favorite toy while I was clearing the table for dessert.

Hijack over! Thank you for letting me share a memory of my kitty girl!

09-28-2018, 04:37 PM
Aww, that's cute! Little Cassie needed a wee taste, make sure it was good enough for company😻

09-28-2018, 07:47 PM
AWWwwww, what a sweet story, and what a lovely memory of precious Miss Cassie!

Thank you for sharing it with us, Elyse!


10-02-2018, 05:05 PM
Doubling up on the Viralys to get the sniffles out of here!;)

I hope it is working very well :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

10-03-2018, 05:58 PM
Thank you, Elyse!:love: Everybody seems to have recovered.
I love Cassie's "butter story" !