View Full Version : Beautiful Angel R2

07-15-2018, 12:36 PM
This is the last photo I took of my beloved companion R2. I got him six years ago in 2012 during a very hard time in my life and he helped me get through it. This week he fell terribly ill being unable to move his feet and on July 12, 2018 he passed away. He was such a sweet, loving and caring soul. He was taken from us too early and he will be forever and deeply missed.

Dear feathered angel, R2~

My eyes filled with tears, reading your mommy's heart-wrenching, love filled tribute to her beautiful, beloved birdie boy; knowing that you were taken from your family long, long before your time; seeing your precious photos, especially the top one, the last photo your family took of you.:(

You've only had your angel wings for a handful of days, R2, and we can only imaging how deeply they're hurting, how much they are missing not having you there with them. But I hope seeing you being honored here today brings them some small measure of comfort.

I don't think there was ever a sweeter, more loving and trusting, more beautiful feathered family member than you,R2! Reading of your love for life, for your humans and your kitties, not to mention food, put the biggest smile on my face.:) You truly were a friend to all, and now, having earned your angel wings, having taken up temporary residence at the Rainbow Bridge, you're making friends with all of our beloved feathered, furry, skinned, finned and shelled angels! And I hear up there the supply of watermelon and beer bugs, pineapple and peaches, is endless!

How blessed your mommy, your entire family was, having a devoted feathered family member, a comforter and healer, a source of never ending joy, love and laughter in you, R2! You truly were a treasure, one in a million, the Pet of a Lifetime! But for now, until that happy day when you and your family are together, once more, fly healthy and happy at the Rainbow Bridge, and send down your love to your family, sweet baby boy They miss you so very much.:love::love::love:

Your family's love for you is eternal~
Best friends!!!

07-15-2018, 01:42 PM

R.I.P. R2.
You may be gone, but you will NEVER be forgotten
in the hearts of your family

07-15-2018, 07:26 PM
So very sorry that you did not have more time with R2. It must have been very hard for everyone who loved him. Just seeing his pictures (outstanding) and reading about R2, made it perfectly clear that he was well loved and treated like gold every single day. I also heard that all of your memories of him are wonderful!! R2 was the most brilliant and beautiful bird in the world, just loved seeing his wonderful self as our POTD! SO CUTE!

Felicia's Mom
07-15-2018, 08:53 PM
I am sorry R2 was here for such a short time. He and his Mommy will be together again at Rainbow Bridge!

07-16-2018, 05:23 AM
Congratulations, R2, Heaven's Angel, on being POTD. Our hearts break for your human family who miss you so much. (We've lost A LOT of pets over the years and can sympathize with the pain of loss and grief.) We're so happy you had such a wonderful life with your forever family. You were gorgeous, adorable and brilliant. Sending love to you, Precious Angel R2, and your forever family. Someday, we will all be reunited with our beloved pets! :love: http://www.guineapigsrfun.net