View Full Version : Precious Jesus!

07-03-2018, 10:07 AM
Hi Jesus in China! Happy Pet of the Day!:)

What a beautiful, simply precious hammie you are, Jesus! Just as your human says, your heart and personality are just as warm and golden as your soft, fluffy coat!

How lucky your hooman is, having a furkid as sweet and gentle, as loving as you, Jesus! Who could say no to a critter as fluffy and golden, as beautiful as you, indeed! You're irresistible, a treasure, and so very deserving of your big day of honor

Thanks for the BIG smiles, cutie pie! Meeting you today, reading of the very special bond you and your human share; seeing your heart-melting photos has been a real treat! Hope you enjoy a very special day (and evening:D) of celebration...napping the day away, and tonight, spinning on your wheel, spending fun time with your hooman, being loved and pampered to pieces!
Lots of love, snuggles and kisses to you, precious Jesus, our very special and most deserving Pet of the Day, EVERY day!:love::love::love:

SO sweet!!!

Felicia's Mom
07-03-2018, 11:05 AM
What an adorable hammie you are, precious jesus. Congrats on being POTD!

07-03-2018, 01:33 PM

Congratulations on being Pet of the Day.
What a beautiful color you are.
Your human understands you like to sleep
in the day and play at night.
Celebrate your world famous day.

07-03-2018, 05:23 PM
Tiny Jesus is a very cute little hamster! I am delighted that you take such awsome care of this little one, he is very lucky to have such a kind hearted person to attend to his needs so lovingly! Well done! Jesus is the very best and we are thrilled that he is our very special POTD! Enjoy a wonderful day today 😍

07-04-2018, 08:19 AM
Congratulations, Precious Jesus, on being POTD! You are adorable and Heaven-sent! (We :love: rodents!) We're so happy that you have a loving home! Best wishes for a long, happy, healthy, fun, safe life, Sweetie! :love: http://www.guineapigsrfun.net