View Full Version : Sweet Snowflake

06-10-2018, 10:37 AM

R.I.P. little Snowflake.
Sounds like you had a wonderful life with many adventures.
Most of all you were loved. I know your family misses you


06-10-2018, 01:21 PM
Sweet Angel Snowflake~

What a beautiful, much loved and cherished furkid you were, Snowflake. Having been mom to many a guinea pig over the years, I know first hand just how special you kids are. And so, it's no surprise to learn of the very special place you did, and still hold in your young human's heart.

Every young person should grow up knowing the unconditional love and friendship of a companion animal, and in you your young human was blessed with the very best! I'm so sorry you had to leave her/him for the Rainbow Bridge, that your human no longer has you there in the physical form. But there's no doubt your beautiful spirit lives on in her/his heart, in the countless memories you made, until that happy day when you and she/he are together once more.:love::love::love:

To Snowflake's human~
Thank you so much for sharing your precious Snowflake with us, your cherished memories and those heart-melting photos; giving us the chance to pay tribute to such a special boy. I hope seeing him being honored here today brings you comfort and puts a smile on your face. Now the whole world knows just how very special he was!


SO precious! The most adorable "good witch" ever!

Felicia's Mom
06-10-2018, 07:04 PM
Sweet Snowflake had a wonderful life and
I thank his humans for sharing his memories
with us!

06-10-2018, 11:17 PM
Snowflake you had a very good life and that makes me happy. You left for the rainbow bridge having made your mother/fathers life better. You were and still are incredibly loved and will be missed tremendously. Hopefully you will meet you family again sometime. :love::love::love:

06-11-2018, 05:54 AM
Congratulations to Snowflake (in Heaven) and his human parents for the POTD honor! Snowflake was beautiful, brilliant and precious! We have adopted many, many GPs through the decades and miss each one terribly. Thankfully, Snowflake had a wonderful, love-filled life with his human family and Fuzzy. Gone but NEVER forgotten! :love: http://www.guineapigsrfun.net