View Full Version : Mindy's (and my) rough day at the vet

03-03-2018, 02:13 PM
Yesterday, I took Mindy to work to get her checked out, because she vomited the day before, and then she quit eating.
I let another technician hold her for a blood draw, because I didn't want Mindy to feel my concern. I had my back turned to them. Next thing I knew, that cat turned into a Tasmanian devil, screaming and up in the air.:eek: The tech wasn't able to hold her, I jumped in to get her so she wouldn't fall of the table.
In the process, she sliced my hand open, and still got away. I finally had her in a corner, and I think she recognized me. She let me pick her up and get her back in the kennel. By that time I was in tears because I was so scared that she had been hurt. Luckily, she was fine, and a few minutes later, she back to her purring self.
I have never seen her like that, and needless to say that from now on I will hold my own cats.
Mindy's bloodwork is fine, so I still don't know what's going on. She eats, but very slowly, and she is subdued, not her bouncy self.:(
Maybe it is a pain issue, which could explain her erratic behavior. She's 10 yrs old, and she could have arthritis.
I'll have to watch her, and then figure out a plan.

03-03-2018, 03:49 PM
Wow! What a story!

Sending along good wishes and hopes and prayers and warm energies that Mindy and you will both be fine.


03-03-2018, 04:09 PM
Oh bless your heart. Yes, we always hold onto our cats at the vet but sometimes I think it's a crappy idea. Cats might feel our stress but they are freaked out too,so I think it's just normal and reassuring to be there for them, if we are stressed and they are too, they sorta get that it's okay to be freaked. We have gone both ways and trust me, you know well how unpredictable they are. 🐈😸 Cut and dry, the vet visit blows for everyone. I am so happy that Mindy was unharmed. Ouch, cat slashes hurt. We live and learn, hopefully 😹 I sure hope that whatever her problem is, it can be easily dealt with. 10 is not that old but I hear you, I think my older cat might have arthritis too. She is a paw short so she has always limped and she will never put her paw on the laminate floor because there is no traction. She seems to be limping WAAAY more lately. In the end..... cats have a very high pain tolerance as we know and a little love goes a very looong way 😻👍🏿✌️Your a great Mum! 🤜🏻🤛

03-04-2018, 11:53 AM
Oh bless your heart. Yes, we always hold onto our cats at the vet but sometimes I think it's a crappy idea. Cats might feel our stress but they are freaked out too,so I think it's just normal and reassuring to be there for them, if we are stressed and they are too, they sorta get that it's okay to be freaked. We have gone both ways and trust me, you know well how unpredictable they are.  Cut and dry, the vet visit blows for everyone. I am so happy that Mindy was unharmed. Ouch, cat slashes hurt. We live and learn, hopefully  I sure hope that whatever her problem is, it can be easily dealt with. 10 is not that old but I hear you, I think my older cat might have arthritis too. She is a paw short so she has always limped and she will never put her paw on the laminate floor because there is no traction. She seems to be limping WAAAY more lately. In the end..... cats have a very high pain tolerance as we know and a little love goes a very looong way ✌️Your a great Mum! 卵亂

Thank you, mon! We usually don't let our clients hold their pets during an exam in case something like that happens. Since I work there, I usually hold my cat. This time I thought I try something different. So much for that.:(
Mindy is much more tortie than I though she was.:D
Still very quiet today, she's hanging out on the dryer where it's warm. Another reason for me to believe she might have pain issues.

03-04-2018, 11:55 AM
Wow! What a story!

Sending along good wishes and hopes and prayers and warm energies that Mindy and you will both be fine.

Thank you, Pat! I hope I can Mindy get some help with whatever is going on.

03-05-2018, 06:47 AM
Have her teeth and gums been checked? Eating slowly could be pain in the mouth ...

03-05-2018, 06:24 PM
Have her teeth and gums been checked? Eating slowly could be pain in the mouth ...
Her teeth and gums looked fine. There was a slight improvement today with her appetite.:)

Maya & Inka's mommy
03-06-2018, 03:44 PM
OMG, what a story...:eek:!:love:
It strange hey that some cats can suddenly turn into a scary hysteric monster....
My Zazou is also the sweetest cat but everytime the vets tries to give her a injection, we have to hold her with 2 persons very very tightly....!
Give Mindy a big hum from me!
I hope the vet can find out what she has, so she/hi can help her!!

03-07-2018, 10:45 AM
Thank you, Lut!:love: Mindy appreciates the hug. She's almost back to normal. Since she had a little loose stool a few days ago and she vomited once at the beginning of this, it might have been a stomach bug.
Headbumpies and purrs to sweet Zazou!:love: