View Full Version : Harlow Honey!

12-02-2017, 10:46 AM

Congratulations on being Dog of the Day.
I can't imagine that no one would want a beautiful, sweet girl like you.
I think you were just waiting for the right person to come along, and she did.
Celebrate your special day, and every day.

12-02-2017, 11:11 AM
Hi Harlow! Happy Labbie Dog of the Day to you, from all in this Lab loving home!:)

You're just too precious for words, Harlow, the quintessential joyful, athletic, life and people loving Lab!:cool: And being the active, adventure seeking pup that you are, so lucky to be living in beautiful New Hampshire; so many great places to induldge your love for hiking and camping, swimming and exploring! Lucky pup you are, indeed, but I'm sure you would agree, Harlow, nothing beats the love of a caring and devoted furever family and in that category you've been blessed with the best. Your mom knew the moment she laid eyes on your wee self that you were "the one," and how right she was! You may not have been a planned addition to the pack, but it's clear you and she were destined to be...together forever! How lucky all of your humansare, having a loyal and loving best friend, a full fledged family member in you, Harlow You're a treasure, beautiful inside and out! Keep up the good work, sweetheart, bringing so much joy, love and laughter to all you meet!

I really love my life, and I bring happiness to everyone who meets me, I know this because my mom tells me every day. I love my family (my mom and my my grandparents) and they love me. We are always there for each other through everything.

Thanks for pawing a note off to us, Harlow, giving us the pleasure of paying tribute to one EXTRA special pup! Meeting you, being treated to all of your hear-melting photos, has made my dark and gloomy day a whole lot brighter! Hope you're enjoying an adventure packed, fun filled day of celebration...taking a nice hike, maybe visiting the bark park, chasing critters, savoring a yummy salmon dinner, cuddling with your people, being loved and pampered to pieces by your mom and grandparents, all of your adoring friends and fans! (A tall order, I know!;)) Lots of love, hugs and slobbery smooches to you, precious Harlow, our very special and most deserving Dog of the Day, EVERY day!:love::love::love:

Be still my heart!!!

12-02-2017, 12:42 PM
Dearest Harlow, what a beautiful English Labrador you are! You are absolutely gorgeous, and your terrific personality shines right through in those great photos. You weren't adopted right away, but you finally found your True, Furrrever family! Now you are living the most delightful life and are as happy as can be, bringing happiness to everyone who meets you. You and your dear family members all love each other very much, don't you. What a wonderful love-filled home you share!

Congratulations, darling Harlow, on being chosen today's Dog of the Day! We hope you and all your family and friends are enjoying a fine celebration, full of fun and lovies and all your favorite games and treats.


12-02-2017, 07:22 PM
Awwww.. Harlow's a beauty, no doubt about that! Everyone's special member of the family in so many ways, we sure love the photos! What a delightful DOTD!

Felicia's Mom
12-02-2017, 09:06 PM
Congratulations on being Dog of the Day, beautiful Harlow!