View Full Version : My 45 lb Border Collie swallowed a bone

10-17-2017, 08:52 PM
He got a hold of a bone from ribs I was eating. I tried to take it away, but he swallowed it.
It was about 2.5 to 3 inches. I was surprised he could get it down. Now what do I do. He
maybe able to pass it. But, I don't know it was pretty big. Although his stools are that big.
Any suggestions beside keeping an eye on him. Any symptoms or signs of trouble to look for?

10-18-2017, 05:12 AM
My Lab did that once, actually ate an entire chicken carcass she pulled out of the trash. I was frantic. My vet told me there's not really anything you can do but wait and watch. Most times they'll digest them w/no problem. But as I was told, should he start to show any signs of distress...lack of appetite, vomiting or diarrhea, anything out of the ordinary, take him in. They'd probably need to do x-rays at that point. It was a nerve wracking time for me, but my girl passed it with no problem. Please let us know how he's doing, OK? :)