View Full Version : Chester

07-13-2017, 09:41 AM

Congratulations on being Pet of the Day.
You are truly part of the family enjoying
activities with them.
Celebrate your special day.

07-13-2017, 10:48 AM
Hi Chester! Happy Pet of the Day!:)

What a beautiful, black bun you are, Chester, beautiful body and heart! And oh yes! We sure DO love you, Chester, though I doubt anyone could love you more than your human!:) How very lucky she/he is, having a bunny furkid as sweet and gentle and loving as you in her/his life! A friend to all, that's you, Chester! I was so touched reading of your love for your doggie and kitty friends! Fearless fellow indeed!:cool: You're just too precious for words, Chester, and so very deserving of your big day of honor!

Thanks to your human for sharing your heartwarming backstory and heart-melting photos with us, sweetheart! Meeting you has been a real treat! Celebrate your big day in high style, enjoying some fun time out under the pines, napping on laps, playing with your furry friends, being treated to all your heart desires and more! Lots of love, cuddles and kisses to you, precious Chester, our very special and most deserving Pet of the Day, EVERY day!:love::love::love:

Such a cutie!!!:D

07-13-2017, 02:00 PM
Hello, most handsome Chester! I would loooooove to enjoy a lap-ful of your bunny sweetness, cutie pie! In fact, I think you have gone off the chart on sweetness! :love:

I smiled when I read about how you enjoy going outdoors when the weather is fine, and how you are a fearless companion to your dog and kitty pals! Best of all, you are the best lap-occupant :love:! Perfect!

Could you please have your person give you an extra pat today, or maybe a delicious bunny treat for your special day! Love to your furry pals too! Happy Bunny Pet of the Day to most loved Chester!

07-13-2017, 02:02 PM
Dearest Chestnut Chester, what a gorgeous black bunny you are! You are so good-looking in those great photos. And what a delightful personality you have, too! You love to rest on your back, preferably in your dear person's lap. You enjoy playing with cats and dogs as well as other bunnies. You also like to play outdoors under the pine trees, when the weather permits. You and your dear person love each other very much, don't you. What a wonderful love-filled home you share!

Congratulations, darling Chester, on being chosen today's Pet of the Day! We hope you and your dear person and all your family and friends are enjoying a fine celebration, full of fun and lovies and all your favorite games and treats.


Felicia's Mom
07-13-2017, 09:05 PM
Congrats on being Pet of the Day, beautiful Chester!

07-17-2017, 05:22 AM
Congratulations, Chester, on being POTD! (We :love: your name!) You are soooo handsome! :) You are a lucky bunny with a wonderful life and loving family! :love: Best wishes for continued good health and fun! STAY SAFE OUTDOORS! (Beware of poisons and predators!) http://www.guineapigsrfun.net