View Full Version : AO - Dragon, May 10th Pet of the Day!

05-17-2017, 11:37 AM
Greetings AO-Dragon! Belated Pet of the Day congrats to you, sweetheart! For any unable to view your Pet o the Day page due to our recent tech issues, here you are! http://petoftheday.com/archive/2017/May/10.html

What a beautiful Silkie Bantam Rooster you are, AO-Dragon, with such a very special story to tell! I got all choked up, reading your human's tribute, learning of your amazing story of survival! Your fighting spirit and will to live, your human's unwavering devotion, are an inspiration to us all! Endless thanks to your human for never giving up and never giving in, for ignoring the naysayers and getting to work, giving you every chance at life!

"He'll not survive for long." Saddened by this news I went into action I refused to give up on him and I give him my full time care, even with the knowledge that he could die regardless. I started to hold him upright regularly though the day and I would stay with him and help him eat his food and drink water I even gave him a vitamin solution that was meant for human children, anything to give him a chance to get stronger.

You and your mom sure showed "them," didn't you, Dragon?:) And now, healthy and whole, having beaten the odds, nothing but happy, carefree, love filled days to look forward to, truly living the good life!

Now at two years old and fit and healthy, he still crows and runs around. He plays with the dog and he now lives outside in a large garden with heated coop with his friend and fellow rooster Dazzle the frizzle. The two of them are as thick as thieves and I know they are happy healthy and safe together.

Great thanks to your mom for sharing your heartwarming, inspirational story with us, along with all of your heart-melting photos and FB video! You truly are a treasure, Dragon, one in a million, and so very deserving of your big day of honor! I hope you enjoyed a very special Pet of the Day celebration, playing with your doggie pal, BFF Dazzle and the ladies, being loved and pampered to pieces by your amazing human! Lots of love, gentle cuddles and kisses to you, miracle Rooster Dragon, our very special and most deserving Pet of the Day, EVERY day! Love to all of your furry and feathered friends, too!:love::love::love:

King Dragon!!! Gorgeous!