View Full Version : Nigel, May 9th Pet of the Day!

05-17-2017, 10:30 AM
Hi Nigel! Happy belated Pet of the Day congratulations to you! For anyone unableto view your Pet of the Day page, here you are! http://petoftheday.com/archive/2017/May/09.html

All bow to the powers of Nigel!:D Captivating, mesmerizing, totally enchanting, that you are! I’ve never had the pleasure of being mom to a CAG, but never fail to be amazed at your species’ beauty and intelligence, your ability to bring so much joy to your families’ lives with your “talk,” talents and antics, the amazing way in which you interact with your human servants! You may have had a rough start at life, sweetheart, but just look at you now, living every big bird’s dream life, your inner and outer beauty shining brightly!

He has an amazing vocabulary already and speaks in context. He will say "nooooo" when asked to do something he doesn't want and asks for "popcorn" his favourite treat. He mimics chickens, the neighbour's cat, whistles a huge repertoire of music my husband has taught him and sings "yo ho ho ho a pirate's life is for me."

What a character! You truly are one in a million, Nigel, a never ending source of entertainment and joy! How lucky your humans are, having a beautiful, talented, utterly captivating best feathered friend in you, Nigel! You’re the best! Many thanks to your mom for sharing your gorgeous Grey self with us. Meeting you has been a real treat! I hope you enjoyed a very special day of celebration, creating chaos and making mayhem, plundering the house, singing your heart out, adventuring on the floor with your young lady, munching on popcorn, being spoiled to the max and loved to pieces! Phew! Lots of love to you, beautiful Nigel, our very special and most deserving Pet of the Day, EVERY day!:love::love::love:

Love that face!!!:D