View Full Version : Toffee, May 11th Pet of the Day!

05-17-2017, 10:24 AM
Hi Toffee! Belated Happy Pet of the Day congrats to you, cutie pie! In case anyone is unable to find your Pet of the Day page, here you are! http://petoftheday.com/archive/2017/May/11.html

What a treat for these piggy loving eyes your precious, utterly heart-melting self is!:) As your human says, you are one beautiful boy, and clearly so VERY loved, your human and her/his dad traveling all that way to welcome you home, when she/he was sick with the flu, no less! But how well worth the time and effort it was! I can just imagine the look on your human's face when she/he laid eyes on you, all curled up in that paper bag!:D It took a bit of time for you to settle into your new digs, to learn to love and trust. But it wouldn't be long before you would realize just how lucky a pig you are, enjoying your new life, your humans and fur bro/cage mate Mu Gene, to their fullest...popcorning like crazy!:D

He was a scared and skittish pig at first but nowadays he let us pet him and popcorns like mad! He hates taking a bath though! Thankfully he does not need one very often, but when he does he is like any little boy and gets all mad at me for making him be clean. His favorite foods are parsley and tomato! He has a cage mate called Mu Gene, they get along quite well but sometimes there's some rumble bursting, nothing serious though. They do cuddle up at bath time! Toffee is an adorable little thing.

How lucky your human is, having a beautiful, sweet and loving furkid in you, Toffee! You're the best! Thanks for the BIG smiles, cutie pie! Meeting you, seeing all of your heart-melting photos, has been a real treat! Hope you enjoyed a fun filled Pet of the Day, being treated to extra floor time, playing with adorable Mu Gene, being loved and pampered to pieces by our devoted human! Lots of love, cuddles and kisses to you precious Toffee, our very special and most deserving Pet of the Day, EVERY day! Love to Mu Gene, too!:love::love::love:

Love that 'do!!!:D