View Full Version : Sam, May 8th Pet of the Day!

05-17-2017, 09:56 AM
Hi Sam! Belated Pet of the Day congrats to you, sweetheart! For anyone unable view your Pet of the Day page dueto our recent technical issues, here you are! http://petoftheday.com/archive/2017/May/08.html

What a handsome San Clemente goat you are, sweetheart! Your coloring and markings are beautiful, and your horns most impressive! I so enjoyed reading all about your rare, endangered species, the history of the San Clemente! We are so thankful to the Fund For Animals, the San Clemente Island Goat Association, to all of those working to assure that you and yours will continue to grace this earth with your beauty for decades to come! But your physical beauty and storied history aside, you’re every bit as enchanting in personality as you are in looks!

Sam is our handsome guy, and he knows so too, and loves to be admired! He likes to show off and is well known in our neighborhood. He's a naughty boy, and used to escape every once in a while. Once he ended up in the ladies room of the local bar. When I caught up with him he was patiently posing in peoples' selfies. I hear they're on Facebook somewhere!

Naughty boy indeed!:D What a lucky family is yours, Sams, having a beautiful, personality-packed, best 4 legged friend in you, sweetheart! You’re a treasure! Great thanks to your family for giving us the pleasure of honoring one most deserving boy! Meeting you, learning about your historic breed, has been a real treat! I hope you enjoyed a very special day of celebration, getting into mischief, clearing brush, playing with your goat pals, being loved and pampered to pieces! Lots of love to you, beautiful Sam, our very special and most deserving Pet of the Day, EVERY day! Love to “the queen,” doe, and all of the kids, too!:love::love::love:

Super Sam!!!