View Full Version : Sweet Thor Lop!

04-08-2015, 03:06 AM
Thor certain is getting more popular as a pet name, but we think it is sweet that you humans understand that you are afraid of the thunder and loud noises! We are glad your persons adopted you and your brother, as eel know you have helped them heal from their loss of their now angel bunny Pickles. And we are glad you your bunny brother Loki get along better than the battling mythical Norse legend brothers did! You are such a sweet bunny, we are glad you are such a loved bunny! Congratulations, You are Pet of the Day for the whole world to celebrate!

04-08-2015, 07:26 AM
Congratulations on being Pet of the Day.
You are such a handsome fellow, and I'm glad you have a bunny friend.
It's worth giving a kiss for a treat.
Celebrate your special day.

Felicia's Mom
04-08-2015, 08:00 AM
Congrats on being POTD, handsome Thor!

04-08-2015, 09:29 AM
Thor is adorable! I just love the photo of him lying on his back in dads arms with his wee eyes closed, waay too cute! Thor is a spectacular POTD, nose bumps!

04-08-2015, 01:59 PM
Hi Thor! Happy Pet of the Day!:)

What a beautiful, utterly precious bun you are, Thor! That shot of your daddy cuddling you in his arms is beyond heart melting!!!:) I'm so very sorry to hear of the passing of your beloved predecessor, Pickles. We only imagine the depth of your family's grief at his passing.:( But with so much love to give, it's understandable that they would choose to once again, to open up their home and hearts to another deserving bun...or two...a brother/brother team at that!:cool: What a wonderful job you and Loki are doing, helping to heal your humans' heart with your love and devotion, your joyful ways! They are truly blessed to have you and Loki in their lives, doubly blessed!

Thanks for the BIG smiles, cutie pie! Hope you and Loki are enjoying a very happy day of celebration, giving and getting nose kisses, chowing down on tasty treats, being loved and pampered to pieces! You both deserve it! Lots of love, cuddles and kisses to you, precious Thor, Pet of the Day, EVERY day! Love to Loki, too!:love::love::love:


04-08-2015, 03:03 PM
Thor what a super gorgeous fellow you are!!!:love:

Your adorable pictures could melt the hardest of hearts!!! :love: I am smiling from ear to ear from seeing them!!! The one of you sleeping in your daddys arms is so precious!!! It shows just how much you love and trust him. Animals won't sleep in someone's arms like that unless they totally trust the person holding them. Please thank your family for sharing you with us and brightening my gloomy day!!! :love:

Congratulations, sweet Thor, on being our very special Pet of the Day!!!:love:

04-08-2015, 09:02 PM
You're adorable Thor!!!:love: Congrats on being POTD!:cool:

I hope you and Loki have had a fun day celebrating! :D

04-10-2015, 10:06 AM
Congratulations, Thor, on being POTD! You are truly one lucky bunny! It's easy to see from all your photos that you are LOVED, LOVED, LOVED! You are PERFECT as you are ~ you don't need to do any tricks! And, you are so photogenic and handsome! Best wishes for a long, happy, healthy, fun, safe life, Sweet Thor! :love: http://www.guineapigsrfun.net