View Full Version : Dobermans

12-22-2002, 01:57 PM
Alrighty, well...I'm new to the board. Hi. lol. Anyways, I was reading through some later posts and couldn't help but notice the posts about Dobermans and the various comments made about them. I greatly appreciate the people who stood up for the breed. As a true Doberman enthusiast and a Doberman owner since I was born nearly 15 years ago (lol), I have to confess that I will NEVER be without a Doberman by my side. They are absolutely amazing dogs, with a personality that is uncomparable to any other breed of dog. I have never met a more loyal dog, and I don't think I ever will. I have had 4 Dobermans in my lifetime, and met many more. Each and every Doberman I have met/owned, I have absolutely fallen in love with. My two Dobermans follow me everywhere and love to just cuddle up with my on the couch. I could go on forever...but I won't. lol. Anyways, I just wanted to throw out my own little input. :)

12-22-2002, 04:19 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk!! I hope we get to see pictures of your Dobies soon.

12-23-2002, 09:54 AM
welcome :)
it sucks that some dogs like dobies get bad reputations. they are amazing dogs. i've known only two in my lifetime and am already convinced that they are great, loyal and gentle dogs. pics, please :D

12-23-2002, 09:42 PM
YaY another Doberman Lover!!!!!!! I love Dobermans too. I don't own one now but I plan to in the future. They are my favorite breed. I have had two in my life time. They are just wonderful dogs. Just big babies.

I would love to see pictures of your dobies.

What color are they?? What are there names??


Cisco's Mom
12-24-2002, 07:57 AM
Tara, welcome to the board.

I know that you will like it here. There are many nice, considerate people on this board. Unlike alot of other bards out there! I don't have any exp. with dobies, but the one encounter I had was not good. I know that when it comes to a dogs behavoir it is thier owners that are responsible.

Looking forward to seeing pics. of your babies!! :)

12-24-2002, 02:00 PM
I've had several good experiences with Dobermans, but
one close call too. My friend had a Doberman named Gretchen.
Great dog. She knew me. I'd been over to their house and
petted her. I met the 2 of them at the tennis courts one night.
Gretchen was in the car with the window rolled down and my
friend said to go ahead and greet her. Not even thinking
about the dog considering the car her terrority, I said Hi
and went to stick my hand through the window to pet her.
She snarled and lunged at my hand and you've never seen
anybody grab their hand back so fast.

Having Cairns and a Collie, who would welcome a burglar
into our house, I just didn't even consider that maybe not
all dogs are like them. Just wasn't thinking in the moment
and Gretchen's not a bad dog and my friend's not a bad
owner. But I am more wary now of certain dogs in certain
situations, cuz I'm kind of partial to my fingers.:)


12-26-2002, 07:56 AM
ParNone, sorry to hear of your bad experience. Don't know that it occured because of Gretchen being a Dobe...However, dobes are wonderful dogs that DO have a protective instinct...

That being said I'll tell you a quick story:

One morning last week as I was sitting at my computer searching the web I was scared out of my chair as our cleaning lady walked into my room and said "Hi". I didn't know that she was even in the house (she comes in to clean every 2 weeks). She told me that my 2 boys were sound asleep upstairs on the couch and that they didn't even open an eye when she walked in the house...you know those Dobes are just the best watchdogs on the planet!

Tara5243, couldn't agree with you more!

12-26-2002, 10:33 AM
just had to add something here:

on tuesday, i went over to my aunt's house (who has a dobie) and my cousin said something that was actually very true (using princess, the dobie, as an example) "princess is not an agressive dog, but if your scared, she can feel that and so be agressive herself. i have a golden named trisha, and she's a very agressive dog, but people love to pet her rather than princess just because of their looks." or something along those lines.

i just think that this is very true and a good point brought up. :D

12-26-2002, 12:57 PM
Hi bnormal!

Oh no I didn't think it was just because Gretchen is a dobie.
I'm just more aware now of dogs being territorial about the
car and that me sticking my hand through the window can kick
off that protective instinct. I never had a problem with Gretchen
when I was in their home. I think the whole ritual of me knocking
on the door and my friend letting me in, Gretchen took as me
being officially invited in, so it was okay. To her with the car
though, there was no indication that I was invited in, so I was
overstepping my bounds. And she let me know about my
rude behavior.:)


12-26-2002, 01:03 PM
Hi prima!

Yeh I'm sure that's true in quite a lot of cases. With my
experience though, it was actually the opposite. I knew
and really liked Gretchen, so I had no fear and was being
totally clueless about what my action signaled to Gretchen.
I was treating her just like I would my own dogs in the
same situation and did not respect her territory and natural
dog instincts.
