View Full Version : 11 year old yellow Lab advice needed

03-14-2015, 06:07 PM
This is my first time to post or try to get advice online. I have read some posts and it seems so helpful and kind. My lab started throwing up blood on Thursday. My husband and I took her to the ER Vet at 1130 pm. They said xrays shows she did not have any masses but did have hardness in her back mammory glands we should have looked at. She does appear to have an ulcer possibly and they have medication. She is still heaving at times and throwing up blood less but still. She gets up for a moment to go outside to the bathroom then just lays. Does anyone have experience with this or any advice. I feel so bad for her and just don't know what to do. I am giving her pediasure water cubes and she will eat rice and chicken I made. She does end up throwing up a couple of times. Advice is appreciated.

03-14-2015, 06:44 PM
This is my first time to post or try to get advice online. I have read some posts and it seems so helpful and kind. My lab started throwing up blood on Thursday. My husband and I took her to the ER Vet at 1130 pm. They said xrays shows she did not have any masses but did have hardness in her back mammory glands we should have looked at. She does appear to have an ulcer possibly and they have medication. She is still heaving at times and throwing up blood less but still. She gets up for a moment to go outside to the bathroom then just lays. Does anyone have experience with this or any advice. I feel so bad for her and just don't know what to do. I am giving her pediasure water cubes and she will eat rice and chicken I made. She does end up throwing up a couple of times. Advice is appreciated.

Aww, poor pup! I would definitely call your regular vet on Monday and bring her in, did they not give you any anti-nausea meds just to get you though the weekend? Is she pooping okay? Did they check for any kind of infection or anything?

03-14-2015, 07:29 PM
Aww, poor pup! I would definitely call your regular vet on Monday and bring her in, did they not give you any anti-nausea meds just to get you though the weekend? Is she pooping okay? Did they check for any kind of infection or anything?
We will take her in Monday. I couldn't understand why we didn't get anti nausea medication. We were given Sucralfate to coat her stomach given every 8 hrs and Famotidine every 24 hrs. She has gone to poop and pee about 2 times today. Not much but the fact she got up and let us know was a good sign. We both are sitting around her just in case. I sleep in the living room incase she makes any noise in the kitchen on her bed. It just scares me because she is always so in your face playing and seems bed ridden at this point. Thsnks for your response.

03-14-2015, 09:43 PM
Yeah, just make sure she does not get dehydrated before Monday.