View Full Version : Gorgeous Gorilla

03-11-2015, 02:38 AM
What a handsome boy you are, Gorilla - although we do not think you match your name very much! Your sleek coat with the blue gray and white fur is very shiny, unlike furry gorillas! And we are glad you are such a loved dog! There's is no mistaking that big block head for anything other than a bully breed, and your sweet personality is a perfect example of what a well-raised pit bull is like. We are glad you have a boy to be your friend, and good rugged toys to keep you busy! We are glad you have been with your mom through good times and bad, and best of all - you are loved! Congratulations Gorilla - you are Dog of the Day!

Lady's Human
03-11-2015, 05:37 AM
Hello Gorilla, and congrats on being DOTD.

I recognize some of your poses from Angel, our resident pitty mix. It seems that there are more than just block heads in the genetics, the "superdog" pose is another.

Felicia's Mom
03-11-2015, 06:27 AM
Congrats on being DOTD, gorgeous Gorilla.

03-11-2015, 07:38 AM
Congratulations on being dog of the Day.
What a sweet looking boy you are.
I'd just love to give you a big hug on your world famous day,
but it looks like your family does plenty of that.

03-11-2015, 12:45 PM
Happy Dog of the Day, gorgeous Gorilla!:)

What a big, beautiful Pittie boy you are, a gentle giant of a "gorilla" with a heart of gold...and so well mannered too! Oh, how I wish I could cover that sweet, sweet face with a zillion slobbery smooches, rub that soft belly!:D I can see from your photos, especially the one of you interacting with your little human, your pup pal/sib, that you are made of pure mush! What a wonderful ambassador for Pittie love you are, Gorilla! You do your oft (wrongly) maligned breed, and your family proud! And today you do Dog of the Day proud too, for we couldn't have hope for a more deserving honoree! Special from the start, special each and every day, special forever! How lucky your family is, having a furkid, a sweet and loving best friend for life in you, Gorilla! You're the best!!!

Thanks to your family for sharing your beautiful self with us, all of those heart melting pics! Meeting you has truly warmed and brightened my gray, gloomy day! Hope you're enjoying a very special, fun filled day of celebration, being spoiled to the max, treated to all your heart desires and more! Lots of love, *kisses* and belly rubs to you, precious Gorilla, Dog of the Day, EVERY day!:love::love::love:

03-11-2015, 01:10 PM
I just had to tell you Gorilla that my heart melted at seeing your adorable pics:)

03-11-2015, 01:27 PM
Happy DOTD To you Gorilla! Hope you get lotsof hugs and treats and belly rubs, you are a sweetheart!