View Full Version : Happy Chip and Dale!

02-01-2015, 03:36 AM
What a pair of cute boys you are, Chip and Dale - we know all the lady cavies will be swooning when they see your photo spread and hope you'll be their Valentines! How nice your original owners found a great mom for your second home, and she knows so much about you and your species! I like your name Chip, you with your dark chocolate color! And so of course your brother is Dale! We are glad you got to stay together, too, as guinea pigs like to live with company! We are glad you might be getting fresh grass soon - it is a very long way up here in New England! Congratulations, boys, you are Pet of the Day for the whole world to celebrate!

02-01-2015, 08:32 AM
Oh my gosh, Chip and Dale, you two are the cutest!!!:love: What wonderful pictures!;)

Congrats on being POTD!:cool: I hope you have a fun day celebrating!:D

Felicia's Mom
02-01-2015, 08:50 AM
Happy POTD Chip and Dale.

02-01-2015, 08:53 AM
Congratulations, Chip & Dale, on sharing POTD honors today! You are precious boys and absolutely perfect! We love your festive Valentine's Day photos (we celebrate V.Day all month long!) and think you're the best, sweetest Super Models ever! We wish all pets could find loving, forever, spoiled homes like you have with a super-caring Mommy, a wonderful roomy safe cage, toys, and the best, healthiest food! Wish we could pet you and give you lots of X's & O's! Enjoy your special honor today, Adorable Boys! :love::love: P.S. We love your cute names! http://www.guineapigsrfun.net

02-01-2015, 08:55 AM
Happy Valentines Day to you both Chip and Dale, yous are waaaay too cute.

02-01-2015, 10:47 AM
Hi Chip and Dale! Congrats on sharing Pet of the Day honors, and early Happy Valentine's Day wishes back at ya! No doubt my Rainbow Bridge girls, Moon, Rosie and Ruby, would love to be your long distance Valentines!:love:

Your mommy is so right! Your species doesn't hail from Guinea, and you're certainly not pigs (well, maybe in your love for food!:p) But, there is NO denying your double duty Cavy cuteness!:D Oh, what a precious pair you two boys make, and who better to represent the holiday of love you two love bugs! Your photo spread is THE BEST! Cavies do make for quite the super models, hehe. Having been mom to piggies most of my adult life I must say, cavies are among the sweetest, most gentle of all creatures! And who needs "tricks" when you can win over a human's heart with a single "wheek," a loving purrr, by just being cute!!!:) I'm so happy to learn that your former family loved you enough to give you over to a forever human able to give you the care, the attention and love she/he wasn't able to provide. You sure hit the forever family jackpot, boys! But luckiest of all is your human, have you two cuties in her life!

Thanks for the BIG smiles, kids! Enjoy your well earned day of honor, being loved and pampered to pieces! And I have no doubt this Valentine's Day will be an extra special one for you both! Lots of love, cuddles and kisses to you, precious Chip and Dale!:love::love::love:

02-01-2015, 04:42 PM
Chip and Dale you are the two cutest Valentines I've ever seen!!!:love::love:

Your sweet pictures have me smiling from ear to ear!!! :D Just what I needed on this gloomy winter day!!! Please thank your mommy for sharing you with us!!!

Congratulations, sweet Chip and Dale, on being our very Special Pets of the Day!!!:love::love:

02-02-2015, 02:42 AM