View Full Version : Bunny and Feli - two for Tuesday!

01-27-2015, 03:11 AM
Congratulations, cuties! You are Pet of the Day together! It is great that, even though you are different in looks and so many other way, you obviously very best buddies and stick close together! We are glad you have a warm hutch for cold winter days, and you grow extra fur, too! It is neat you have such different personalities, but still are so close! Congratulations, Bunny sir and pretty Feli, you are Pet of the Day for the whole world to celebrate!

01-27-2015, 05:11 AM
Aww, you two are the cutest Bunny and Feli !!! :love:

Congrats on being POTD!:D

01-27-2015, 07:34 AM
Congratulations on being Pets of the Day.
You two are a perfect pair.
You have a wonderful life with plenty of food and love
Celebrate your world famous day.

Felicia's Mom
01-27-2015, 08:36 AM
Congrats to Bunny and Feli on being POTD.

01-27-2015, 11:17 AM
Hello Bunny and Feli, You two are very cute! I enjoyed reading about you and seeing your photos. I hope you have a long happy life. Congrats on being POTD!

01-27-2015, 11:18 AM
Hi Bunny and Feli! Happy Pet of the Day to you!:)

What an extra special "two for Tuesday" duo we're being treated to today! You two beautiful buns make for quite the adorable duo, one precious pair, and so very deserving of your big day in the spotlight! You may be opposites in looks and in personality, but no doubt on the same page when it comes to matters of the heart, in the love you have for each other and your human! How lucky you are to have one another, how lucky your *special person* is, having not just one but two best bunny buds, two furkids as special as you in her life, bringing so much happiness and endless smiles to her days!:)

Thanks for the BIG smiles, cutie pies! Enjoy your big day of honor, being treated to all your hearts desire and more, being spoiled rotten!:D Lots of love, cuddles and kisses to you, precious Bunny and Feli, our very special and most deserving, "two for Tuesday" honorees!:love::love::love:


01-27-2015, 12:12 PM
Bunny and Feli are a perfect rabbit couple, so happy they were chosen as our POTD today! The cutest duo ever!

01-27-2015, 02:31 PM
The only thing better than a Bunny Pet of the Day is ... TWO Bunny Pets of the Day! Hi, Bunny and Feli! You are beautiful! I would love to gently pet you and feel your soft fur - since I can't, perhaps your person will give you some extra petting for me today. You have a warm hutch for winter days, and in nice weather you explore and have fun in the garden! Perfect! Happy, happy Pet of the Day to Bunny and Feli!

01-27-2015, 04:23 PM
Bunny and Feli what beautiful bunnies you are!!!:love::love:

I enjoyed reading about you and seeing your adorable pictures very much!!! :) You really brightened my day!!! Please thank your family for sharing you with us today!!!

Congratulations, sweet Bunny and Feli, on being our very special Pets of the Day!!!:love::love:

01-27-2015, 05:43 PM
Congratulations, Bunny & Feli, on sharing POTD honors today! You're both adorable! We hope you stay SAFE & HEALTHY living outside. In the U.S.A., we keep our small pets (including rabbits) inside the house with us, keeping them cozy, safe from predators and weather. Enjoy your special day and best wishes for long, fun, happy, healthy, safe lives! :love::love: http://www.guineapigsrfun.net