View Full Version : Awesome Amos the Wonder Horse!

01-05-2015, 02:25 AM
Congratulations, Amos - you are Pet of the Day today! You have been on many TV shows, but even more important, you are a therapy pony, so we know you bring joy and delight to elders, and sick children, too. How fun you were originally planned just to be a pony ride boy, but your charming personality and good looks. combined with your calm, sweet nature, made your person realize what a great therapy pet you would make!how fun you are such a good sport you got to play with the Harlem Globetrotters, with your own outfit and everything. And while we have heard on horses that will tap a hood to music, I don't know if we have ever met one who creates his own music on the xylophone! A miniature horse, yes, but your talent is huge, and your generosity of spirit even greater! Congratulations, Amos, you are Pet of the Day! Next time you are on TV, you can tell the rest of the world about it! :)

01-05-2015, 07:30 AM
Congratulations on being Pet of the Day.
You are way more than a pet, and very smart.
I loved all of your pictures. You bring joy to all the people you meet.
I'm glad you have your forever family and your great talents are
not just hanging around in a pasture some place, but put to good use.
Celebrate your special day.

01-05-2015, 11:05 AM
Amos is so impressive and does so very many important and wonderful thing for lotsa different folks. It is very fitting that he is POTD, but so much more as well. His guardians should be very proud for teaching him and taking him too all of his important appearances and meetings! Big hugs and a standing O to Amos and his family!! GO AMOS!!

01-05-2015, 12:40 PM
Happy Pet of the Day beautiful, amazing, awesome Amos!!!:)

Holy cow!!! We have a world renowned superstar, a TV celebrity, goodwill ambassador, deputy peace officer and therapy horse as our featured honoree!:eek: Oh, I forgot to mention accomplished musician and artist as well! You're gorgeous, Amos, and not only in looks (your coloring and markings, that tail and your long, flowing white mane are spectacular), but beautiful to the core, heart and soul! In horsedom you may be considered a mini, but in every way that counts you're king sized! Everyone lucky enough to meet you, to be touched by you, is blessed indeed, but none more than those special needs kids, the seniors and those in hospitals!:cool: OK, everybody!:D And while your mom had no clue what was in store for you and her, she knew instinctively, from day one, that you were the one for her, and as she says, the rest is history!!! YOU, Amos, are testament to the wondrous ability of animals to mentor, to heal, to comfort, to bring joy and smiles to those in need! What a treasure you are, Amos, one in a million, and so very worthy of all the accolades you've received and have yet to receive! What an honor it is, having had the opportunity to pay tribute to you and all of your good work. You truly ARE amazing!!!
Enjoy your big day in the spotlight, sweetheart, enjoying a sip of Starbucks and a few tasty peppermints and some carrot, being spoiled rotten!:D Lots of love and a BIG hug to you, beautiful Amos, our very special and most deserving Pet of the Day!:love::love::love: Off to check out your Twitter feed and FB page!:D

01-05-2015, 02:38 PM
Awesome Amos! I agree completely with what my friend tatsxxx11 has said - you are beautiful not only in your looks, but also in your heart and spirit! The original plan might have been for rides, but now you bring smiles, joy, knowledge, information and comfort to people you meet! I agree with my friend mon, too - big hugs and a huge standing O to awesome Amos! It is such a pleasure to meet you today and to wish you a very happy Horse Pet of the Day!

01-05-2015, 03:08 PM
Amos what a gorgeous and special fellow you are!!! :love:

It was certainly a treat to see your wonderful pictures today!!! They made me smile just seeing them. I can only imagine the smiles the people who meet you in person have!!! :D Therapy pets are so important. My father was in a nursing home for years before he passed and the dog they had there brought so much happiness to him and the others there. Keep up the wonderful work you do. The world needs all the smiles it can get!!! Please thank your family for sharing you with us too!!!

Congratulations, sweet Amos, on being our very special Pet of the Day!!!:love:

01-05-2015, 09:24 PM
Congratulations, Amos, on being POTD! You certainly deserve this honor! What a talented, smart, amazing, precious, adorable fellow you are! You make happiness wherever you go! Best wishes for a long, happy, healthy, fun, safe life, Sweet Boy! :love: http://www.guineapigsrfun.net