View Full Version : TO PERFECT PAWS, - CARLA

09-28-2001, 09:11 PM
Hi Carla, I don't know if you have all ready moved to Arizona yet so I wanted to thank you for the mat you made for our daughter-in-law, she will love it, it's so neat. I also want to thank you for making one for "Kona" for me, when I opened it, it made me cry. Thank you so much for your kindness and I hope you love living in Arizona. Don't listen to Angel, it's not that hot :D :D

09-29-2001, 10:56 AM
Okay, I'm not Carla but I'm just curious how many of YOU are still sweltering in 105 degree heat in SEPTEMBER! :D! Wait, it's just ME? Ah, that is cuz it IS TOO DANG HOT! :D :D :D :D

I know I know... If I complain then why don't I move... well, just like the rest of you... the GOOD seasons and nice times of the year make it worth while... and it's always more than the weather that makes you love where you live.

I can't wait 'til Carla gets here... another Pet Talk meeting!

09-29-2001, 12:28 PM
im with ya angel... and my dad has the house open! thats why right now i have a fan on high pointing right towards me!

09-29-2001, 12:47 PM
I feel bad for you guys! :D Poor Sweet Simba, Loveable Lexi, Sweet Sasha, and Marvelous Maddie!

LabLover and Sadie May ;)

09-29-2001, 01:13 PM
I hate to tell you guys but our temp here in San Diego is mid 70's and at night about low 60's. We had a great summer, no heat to speak of at all. The best time of the year here is fall., not many colored leaves around town except us we have 8 liquid amber trees which turn color in the fall, from yellow to burnt orange also have 2 ornamental plum trees which have beautiful pink flowers in the spring and purple leaves in the summer.

09-29-2001, 01:26 PM
Two days ago we finally broke the pattern of heat here with a nice cool front. It had been over 100 degrees for 46 consecutive days. AND HUMID AS HECK!!!!!!!!! The humidity makes it unbearable :eek: But now our cool front has brought us down to the 80s with a few nice breezes. I can't wait until we get into the 60s. Much lower than that and I start to freeze my toosh off. I don't have much tolerance for cold weather, although I LOVE it. I just have to wear 20 layers of clothing! :D

09-29-2001, 01:58 PM
Southern New Jersey reporting in! We have 64 degrees here right now which is our high, going down to the 50's and more of the same to follow. It is breezy and beautiful. A perfect day to shop for pumpkins and mums! :)

09-29-2001, 02:33 PM
Oh I feel bad for you guys :D here for the past 5 days it has felt like it was going to snow, today its bright, sunny, cool, and beautiful.

Okey enough bragging :D

I wanted to ask about the mats your talking about, I must have missed something, are they place mats for your dogs dish ?? because I have been looking for one to match my room. Do you have a pic of it ?? and will she still be making them after she moves ??

09-29-2001, 02:44 PM
I think they are welcome mats. She has a webpage with pictures but I couldn't find the link I had to it. I'm sure Jackie knows...

09-29-2001, 02:55 PM
The link is on my website... under the "links" tab.

But here it is again :D!

Pet Mats by Carla (http://purrfectpawsnh.homestead.com/PetMats.html)

Gee, look what I started.... Pam you cracked me up with your "reporting in".. I was rolling!

And Lablover!! I love the names you gave my girls!!!! You had them all perfect... but Maddie's could also be MANIAC MADDIE! That fits her to a tee!

Right now it is 99 degrees and 11% humidity! Not too bad right now.... But the inside of my car is STILL 150 dang degrees! That is what really stinks about the heat. But, pretty soon we will be living life in the great temps, no a/c no heat, windows open and BBQ's outside while the rest of you are under 10 feet of snow... muuhahahahah **evil laugh**

Aly I know you guys really do swelter in Texas b/c of the heat AND humidity. That has got to be just awful... same with you KayAnn. :(

Oh, and Jackie... it should only take me about 6 hours to drive to your house... so you can expect me around dinner time I guess... I like steak and mashed potatoes by the way ;) hee hee hee hee - you are so lucky to live where you do. I love the mountains and pines. Aren't you near Alpine or something like that outside of San Diego?

[ September 29, 2001: Message edited by: doggiemom ]

09-29-2001, 04:05 PM
Hi Angel, I live closer to the coast, when we go up the hill to our sons house we can see the water, we live down the hill. We tease our son telling him he lives up the hill and looks down on us. We live about and I'm guessing 15 miles from Alpine. About three or four miles from the Ocean.
You are welcome to dinner anytime, tonight is "take out Chinese" don't feel like cooking. I cook three meals a day, but take the weekends off. :D

ilovehounds, the mats are welcome mats, I really love them. They come in different colors and she puts a picture of your breed of dog on them. She also puts something like "I love my" whatever name you want etc.
They make wonderful gifts for people who have dogs.

09-29-2001, 04:08 PM
right now its great... theres a awesome breeze! probably in the high 70's to 80's not humid at all.. now this is my kinda weather! ;)

09-29-2001, 05:35 PM
Chiming in.....almost "cool" here in SC. Hight was 70 today!! I love it..We've been getting down to 50, low 40's at night. Very, very nice!!!! :D

09-29-2001, 08:32 PM
Logan the temp here in the midwest is not that much different from yours. I did break down and turn on the furnace earlier in the week, but today was a beauty.

Jackie, my husband says your city is as close to climate perfection as it gets. If you ever feel that you don't appreciate what you have, we'll switch houses with you for the winter. The directions for the snowblower are in the desk drawer but you have to shovel a small area in the yard by hand so the dogs have a place to go potty.

09-29-2001, 09:27 PM
Rachel, our family moved out here from Rhode Island when I was 15 so I still remember the winters, we had to shovel out the sidewalk so the mailman could come and my Dad would shovel out the driveway and here would come the snow plow and he would have to start all over again. When I lived back there I used to love to go ice skating on the ponds, we lived in a small mill town. I couldn't get used to no snow here at Christmas especially when I was younger, but soon you get used to it, and when you miss the snow you go into the mountains about three hours from here and there is all the snow you want. We still do the usual lights on the house and go pick out our tree (thats quite another story)
At our age I think we will stay put now. Don't think I could handle the cold.
But it's a thought! :)

Daisy's Mom
09-29-2001, 11:09 PM
Right now in Massachusetts I am absolutely freezing! Shivering uncontrollably and under a blanket! In the fall, I work at a farm and sell pumpkins and other Halloween things, and I give pumpkin rides. Today I could see my breath in the air. It was sooo cold!

09-30-2001, 07:04 AM
Originally posted by Daisy's Mom:
<STRONG>In the fall, I work at a farm and sell pumpkins and other Halloween things, and I give pumpkin rides. </STRONG>

Daisy's Mom - Perhaps this isn't the kind of pumpkin ride you meant, but ... when I read your message, I immediately thought of the pumpkin carriage from Cinderella! Do you get some of Daisy's fur friends to help pull the coach? ;) I picture Daisy at your feet keeping them warm! What a fun fall day that would be!

Good luck with juggling all your school and activities! Tell Daisy its her turn to do the homework this week! :D :D :D

Daisy's Mom
09-30-2001, 11:42 AM
LOL oops! PONY rides! Sorry, I am totally out of it!

09-30-2001, 11:51 AM
Your Welcome Doggiemom... I wnated to do something nice for them.. I should do that more often! :D Say "Hi" to your beautiful girls for me! Hugs & Kisses, from Sadie! ;) And, stay cool! :)

09-30-2001, 12:05 PM
I have been freezing the last week and a half the highs have been in the lower 60's and lows in upper 40's adn lower 50's. I hate the cold. I love hot weather

09-30-2001, 12:32 PM
Bridget you were up late when you posted that so you are excused! :D My fingers can't even find the keyboard at 12:09 a.m.

09-30-2001, 04:40 PM
You guys are all so funny. Right now it is 100 degrees and windier than heck!! WOW! The entire city is covered in dust.... it actually looks cloudy because of all the dust in the air from all the farms and desert areas. YUCK!

I grew up in MN and remember shoveling the snow off of the sidewalks and driveway. Then our snowplow would come thru and make that nice big ridge of snow blocking our driveway again.... that sucked. I ice skated all day every day at our park where they froze over a huge section. It had a warming house with hot chocolate and everything. I miss that. Now I have to go to Polar Ice to skate but it's still fun and a great way to cool off here in the summer time :D!

09-30-2001, 07:53 PM
Here in Mid Ohio it was 35 degrees last night, and about 55 degrees today. But we have a beautiful fall. Today was so pretty and clear. To bad I had to work all weekend!!

10-02-2001, 07:55 AM
Oh Angel - I am so jealous! I love the hot weather! And no humidity... how perfect! Actually, perfect to me is about 85 to 90 degrees, and low humidity.
I live not-too-far from Staci, so I am also living with some near-freezing overnight temps over the last couple of weeks - yes, we turned our furnace on already! And then we get a couple days in the 70's, and sleep with the windows open. This is probably why I, and half the people at work, have a cold right now. sniff, sniff.
My husband will be finsihing up his PhD soon, and he's been looking to see where there are teaching jobs available. I have been nixing all the east coast and northern posts. I keep pushing New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, etc. Get us away from these never-ending Ohio winters!

10-02-2001, 08:57 AM
Talking about the weather - its been unseasonably hot here in Utah lately but it's suppose to cool off. I've been doing my snow praying all summer long in hopes that this winter we'll all need sled dogs to get to work - I love the snow - bring it on soon PLEASE!!!!! :D :D

Daisy's Mom
10-02-2001, 08:37 PM
You want snow? I'll send some down to you! We'll be getting some soon :)

Although tomorrow is going to be eighty degrees! One last day of shorts!! :)

10-03-2001, 09:47 AM
Daisy - I really do want snow - hopefully we'll have some of our own really soon. And by the way I just want you to know that your sweet Bassett is the cutest. You must love her so much :)

Daisy's Mom
10-03-2001, 04:20 PM
Thank you so much purrley!!!

I'll be sure to send you some snow. We certainly get plenty. Last year, a week before my birthday and the week after Christmas vacation, we had 3 days off right in a row because of a huge blizzard! It was the most exciting time ever! Almost the whole state was declared in a state of emergency. I had so much friends. All m y friends qho lived nearby had a party at my best friend's house down the street and we watched old movies and made hot cocoa! Those three days will be some of my best memories. Although I do get sick of snow by March, I must say that I will never move away from the northeast because of snow days. That feeling that you get when you see your school flash up on the TV's cancellation page... it's just an indescribable, wonderful feeling! I can never take that away from my kids!

10-03-2001, 06:56 PM
Daisy's mom, you said it!! :D Growing up in Indiana, I always would pray for school cancellation any time the "scent" of snow was in the air. I admit that kids that don't get to experience snow days are missing out! LOL LOL After moving here to the silicon valley, I was really homesick for Indiana. I couldn't believe that a place couldn't have "weather!"! LOL No thunder storms at night...no changing of seasons...(we have 2 seasons out here...wet and dry)no smell of autumn in the air...no snow days!! LOL But, I think I have adjusted. It's been 2 years now, and I'm really getting spoiled with the lack of humidity and lack of bugs (you can actually open a window or a door and nothing will fly in!)! It's cool in the mornings, warm in the afternoons, and cool again in the evenings. I would say it's like a perpetual fall (or spring) temp wise :) Plus (sorry to anyone who is a smoker on the board!!), there is no smoking in restaurants, bars, bowling alleys...etc.!!! I can actually breath wherever I go out here(I'm allergic to smoke)! It's great!! Really, the only bad thing about this area is the traffic and cost of living (it was on the news today that the Bay Area has the most expensive cost of living by way of apartments...ugh). :rolleyes:

10-03-2001, 07:16 PM
Purrley and Daisy's mom, I miss Snow so much. Here in Texas we never get Snow just Ice. Well, actually we got about 1/2 inch of real Snow last Year for abot 2 Hrs. :rolleyes:

10-03-2001, 09:50 PM
Scoot over wolflady, the fur babies and I are moving in!

Bridget - pumpkin rides.. hehe that was a funny mistake. I can picture you making people sit on pumpkins instead of ponies to ride :D :D