View Full Version : Desperate

10-29-2014, 03:46 PM
Okay Pet Talkers , need your help now, pretty please:love:. Our family member Asia is a 14 yr. old border collie boxer mix. Vet gave her 6 months, Aunty and Uncle won't hear of putting her down. She has arthritis and her liver is failing. She is taking Eramptramadol Hcl 50 ml 3tabs. every 8-12 hrs. Derderamaxx 100 mg 1/2 tab once a day, 200 mg. Simtlicef a day. Viaderm KC cream on her sores cuz she falls down and well.. needs it. Does anyone have any sane advice, health tips, knowledge . Almost any good advise we could totally use. thanx

10-29-2014, 03:51 PM
Okay Pet Talkers , need your help now, pretty please:love:. Our family member Asia is a 14 yr. old border collie boxer mix. Vet gave her 6 months, Aunty and Uncle won't hear of putting her down. She has arthritis and her liver is failing. She is taking Eramptramadol Hcl 50 ml 3tabs. every 8-12 hrs. Derderamaxx 100 mg 1/2 tab once a day, 200 mg. Simtlicef a day. Viaderm KC cream on her sores cuz she falls down and well.. needs it. Does anyone have any sane advice, health tips, knowledge . Almost any good advise we could totally use. thanx

How is her quality of life otherwise? Is she eating and eliminating normally? Does she still seem happy? Does she have plenty of water available at all times?

10-29-2014, 04:37 PM
Oh yes, she is provided with everything. I guess last Sat. she went out to do her business and she decided to cross the bridge over their creek. She's been doing this all her life, she only made it half way and simply layed down. Couldn't make it. Uncle checked up on her after a while and carried her back home. They have a have a few acres, she loves the outdoors. She still loves to eat and watch t.v., loves pets and belly rubs and treats of all sorts. They want her to pass at home with them I think. Clearly. Thanks for asking, it's so sad. We love her so much

10-29-2014, 05:52 PM
I think she should probably have someone with her whenever she goes out, and make sure she has comfy places to lie down, blankets on the floor or whatever! Make it a habit for checking her over for wounds once a day, so you and she will get used to it. Take pictures, and love her to pieces!

10-29-2014, 07:09 PM
Yes, that sounds like an excellent plan. Uncle is 70 and very spry and somewhat fit. Aunty has been crippled all her life. I think if he lets her out the front door where there are not so many stairs,( there's like SO many stairs in the back 40) it would definitely help. I think he forgets to do that. would be so much better. We just wish that there was more that we could do for her. $ is no object, just wanna make her life and death as kind and gentle as possible. gotta go bawlin' now, any more advce is welcome

10-29-2014, 09:58 PM
Arms, hearts and minds are wide open.

10-30-2014, 08:45 AM
If they want her to pass away at home, I'm sure a vet could come do it there. Ask around a bit. But as long as she seems to be happy and enjoying life for the most part, it's ok to let her live. I've heard once to think of her favorite thing to do, and when she can no longer enjoy that, it is time to let go. So sorry! If only they could live forever...! :love:

10-30-2014, 10:02 AM
Thanks, I'll pass on all these thoughts and just be supportive. I'm sure just taking it one day at a time, letting things unfold, it will become clear if she needs to be euthanized. They can get someone to come to the house I'm sure.

10-30-2014, 12:43 PM
Thanks, I'll pass on all these thoughts and just be supportive. I'm sure just taking it one day at a time, letting things unfold, it will become clear if she needs to be euthanized. They can get someone to come to the house I'm sure.

One nice thing they can do now, is take a paw print, and maybe even a nose print to have as keepsakes. And of course pictures, of her enjoying a fall day, etc.

10-30-2014, 02:50 PM
Thank-you. That is a very lovely idea. Aunty still doesn't know if she should give her milk thistle on top of all the other medicine. They bought it but she figures Asia's liver is hooped enough and all those thing combined will make for toxicity and maybe do more harm than good...?

10-30-2014, 05:08 PM
Milk thistle and sam-E help counteract the Deramax. But at her age and condition, it may not make much of a difference.

I suggest someone always be with her, too. Suppose she had fallen off the bridge into the water? 2 of my older dogs did this, neithr one was able to coordinate well enough to get her head above water. Fortunately I was right there to lift her up, and then get her out of the water. (The 2 dogs, they were 15 years apart, both were females).

10-30-2014, 05:44 PM
Yes, she shouldn't be outside alone for sure. That creek is very dangerous for her. I'll mention that, she'd never survive a fall in there.

Steve Wisley
12-05-2014, 03:10 PM
My Grandson recently had to put his dog dog down. She had cancer and was at the point where she did not enjoy life anymore. We had a hard time taking care of her at the end, but did not want to let her go. If your Aunt and Uncle want to take care of their dog and it is not in pain then I would let them enjoy her as long as possible.

12-05-2014, 03:27 PM
My Grandson recently had to put his dog dog down. She had cancer and was at the point where she did not enjoy life anymore. We had a hard time taking care of her at the end, but did not want to let her go. If your Aunt and Uncle want to take care of their dog and it is not in pain then I would let them enjoy her as long as possible.

Aww, send him our condolences.

12-05-2014, 07:01 PM
I was in the same boat not too long ago. i wanted my beloved Kirby to pass at home on his own,, but i was in a battle with myself asking myself when is the right time. how will i know when the time is right an is it the right thing to do? but when i seen him slump down as if saying 'do i have to?' when i opened the door for him to go outside to do his business i knew then that his aches an pains were to great for him to enjoy much of beans anymore. the drive down he slept the whole way as if knowing hed be at peace soon.

im sorry. i know how hard it is an just how very much it sucks.
many hugs to you an everyone

12-11-2014, 12:22 AM
Aww, thanks for the input. Asia is hanging in there. She still enjoys her food and treats and loving belly rubs. Aunty and Uncle are not rushing into anything, they want her to pass at home and she has all the meds and comforts. unless something changes, that is where it stands now. SO very hard to deal with our elders sometimes. It is scary, but I agree they should love her and care for her until they decide different. She's so much a member of our family.:love: