View Full Version : Bad breath solution for dogs? Any suggestions?

09-17-2014, 10:55 AM
Hi guys, I have a dog and he has a bad breath any good suggestions?

09-17-2014, 11:46 AM
Lots of questions - how old is he? What does he eat? How are his teeth?

A normal, healthy dog should not have terrible breath, there are doggie "breath mints" - but finding the underlying cause is more important!

09-17-2014, 09:48 PM
A nice thorough dental cleaning at the vet's office. :)

09-18-2014, 01:34 PM
Both Myndi and Sparky had bad breath, but I couldn't do much of anything for it, other than breath fresheners which weren't all that effective. Their teeth were their issue, and since they both had heart murmurs, then couldn't safely have the anesthesia that would be required for them to have a dental cleaning. Their vet would manually scrape off as much tarter as she could when I would have them in to her for any other reason. That at least was better than doing nothing at all.

09-18-2014, 05:38 PM
Vet visit for a check up and most likely the dog needs a dental.

Dogs have dental issues, same as humans. They can get abcesses, and those HURT. Left unattended, the infection can spread to the heart, just as with humans.

09-19-2014, 10:08 AM
First a foremost you will need a trip to the vet to check the mouth for gum disease, broken/diseased teeth, tooth abscesses, or any oral masses.

Normal dog breath should not "stink", at least, not to the point of owners complaining.

After a likely dental cleaning, you can maintain your pup's teeth by daily brushing (once monthly brushing at the groomer IS NOT adequate and does nothing except waste your money), daily oral rinses, daily oral wipes, daily dental chews (not the cheap OTC stuff you find at walmart but the legit dental products like CET Chews), etc.

Once the plaque/tartar and gum disease is present, the ONLY thing that will fix it is a thorough dental cleaning under anesthesia at your vet.

Also, forgot to mention... "stinky breath" can be an indication of other severe underlying disease processes, like kidney disease, that may have nothing to do with the mouth at all. Always best to get it checked at the vet!!!!

09-25-2014, 07:00 AM
Years ago I took in a rescue dog & he had really bad breath. I took him to the veterinary & it turns out he was having kidney failure.

12-23-2014, 01:49 AM
I think you should go with good meds pet (http://www.petrx2go.com/). I have seen lots of breath treatments online for dogs which are going to help you a lot.

03-26-2015, 01:39 AM
Keep in mind, even if the cause of your dog's bad breath is caused by something minor such as dental disease, gum disease, or tartar, on-going bad breath could be a hint that your pet may be experiencing greater medical problems.