View Full Version : Upside down pictures

09-09-2014, 10:27 PM
So what's with the upside down pictures? Is it a browser thing? Just asking. I'm not sure what to do to turn it around.

And some pictures show full size in the posts, and others show as thumbnails. I'm never sure why some work that way and others don't. I've not seen anything that hints there are two ways of uploading pictures.


09-10-2014, 01:34 AM
So what's with the upside down pictures? Is it a browser thing? Just asking. I'm not sure what to do to turn it around.

And some pictures show full size in the posts, and others show as thumbnails. I'm never sure why some work that way and others don't. I've not seen anything that hints there are two ways of uploading pictures.


You can upload them and then you have a choice whether to display them as"embed inline" or as an attachment, in which case folks will see the thumbnails.

The upside down pictures are a result of how the person has the file saved.

09-10-2014, 02:19 AM
You can upload them and then you have a choice whether to display them as"embed inline" or as an attachment, in which case folks will see the thumbnails.

The upside down pictures are a result of how the person has the file saved.

But some are seeing them normal. I'm wondering if some are clicking on the link or seeing it embedded. hmmmmmm I'm seeing the upside down ones embedded. That still shouldn't change even as a thumbnail if the file is saved upside down. hmmmm and hmmmmmm

09-10-2014, 10:12 AM
How do you display them as"embed inline"? Wheenenever I've posted any, it just puts them in as attachments.