View Full Version : Obesity on Dogs: A Lurking Treat To Our Buddies

09-06-2014, 03:59 PM
Dog obesity is certainly one of the biggest health issue in raising and caring for our dog buddies. Due to our hectic schedules, we pet parents and caregivers often neglect and forget to watch on our pet diets. And because members of our household tend to also pamper our pets so much, we may have overlooked about things in our pets’ nutritional intake. Like us humans, lack of exercise and bodily activities as well as uncontrolled and unmonitored food consumption lead us to health conditions like obesity, dehydration, high cholesterol, high fat intake, high blood pressure, high sugar count, etc. Our pets likewise can suffer with the same condition. But since our pets greatly depend on us for care, non-monitoring therefore lead their condition to get worse which when left untreated could lead to fatality.
In order to prevent health risks on our dog buddies, weight management, diet and activity monitoring must be well kept and maintained. In a recent study by the Association of Pet Obesity Prevention, 44% or approximately 33 million dogs in the US canine population were overweight. An alarming number indeed. Below are some of the revelations of canine obesity in the US:
Lack of exercise
Improper/abnormal diet
Dog breed genetics
Obesity is a lurking risk and dangers to our pets since this condition could lead to the following health issues:
Cardiac arrest
Diabetes mellitus
Orthopaedic injuries such as limb fractures, kneecap dislocations and other types of limb injuries and abnormalities.
Respiratory diseases
Other cancerous forms
The signs are often unnoticeable since our pet dogs have a natural tolerance to pain and since they can’t talk like us humans we may never know they are suffering in silence. They often continue to wag their tails, play with us, snug and rub their heads and bodies on us as if everything seems A-Okay. Thus, we pet parents must always be on the look out to monitor and care for them. Their lack of activity, exercise intolerance, laziness, anxiety, unusual behavior are just of the symptoms barely noticeable to us. It is important that our pets get to be examined by a Vet once every 6-12 months. Something not so hard to squeeze in from our busy schedules. To help you determine your pet’s weight check, try to do these simple tests yourselves to them:

A. Rib Scan. Try to run your hands softly along your pet’s ribcage. You should be able to feel the ribs in thin layer of tissue and fat. If you can’t feel the rib structure and felt only bulk of tissues underneath, chances are your pet is a candidate for obesity.
B. Tuck View. In a side view angle of your dog, you must be able to view a tucked abdomen.
C. The Curve. Viewing from above your pet, you must be able to view a moderate narrowing or hollowing at the waist just passing from the ribcage. If it’s a straight or bulging belly-like curve, indicates an excess or overweight condition.
Managing your pets’ weight will not only result in keeping them healthy generally but greatly help in preventing the onset of diseases and injuries that could lead them pain and suffering. A happy dog is a hralthy and lively one that fills our homes with pure happiness and endless joy to us.

09-07-2014, 08:03 AM
Very good article. Too many times I see people posting pictures of fat dogs (and cats) and thinking it's funny.

Just as in people, being overweight can lead to health issues. Our furry kids don't live long enough as it is, we need to keep them healthy!:)

09-07-2014, 11:32 AM
Very good article. Too many times I see people posting pictures of fat dogs (and cats) and thinking it's funny.

I also do think before fat and flabby looking dogs are cute and adorable. But when I did this piece and why during research about it, I was truly enlightened how our dog buddies really suffer with being overweight and obese. Now I only have pity especially those pets who have undergone surgeries just to correct limbs that were broken because of their obesity. It was really like an awakening of how so we have to properly care for our dear dogs. (and not only them but all our pet animals as well...)

Just as in people, being overweight can lead to health issues. Our furry kids don't live long enough as it is, we need to keep them healthy!:)
This is the reason why they really need us to care for them. They are really helpless beings who greatly depend on us not only for their health but basically for their life. A responsibility not so many pet parents still cannot recognize once they adopt and be parents to them. It is really sad to note, that many pet parents consider their pets as a possession that add up to their toys, accessories and adornment. Many thought they were 'just pets,' insignificant and 'less important member of our household. :(