View Full Version : Buddy!

08-14-2014, 06:46 AM
Oh Buddy, I don't know how some people can be so cruel. I'm sorry you had a bad start in life. I'm so glad your family found you and you were able to be the sweet loving boy you were born to be. A Very happy DOTD!

08-14-2014, 07:42 AM
Congratulations on being Dog of the Day.
Your first few years were not at all good, but you have since hit the jackpot.
It is wonderful how your new family took extra time and love with you.
For every bad person in the world, there are a bunch of good ones.
Keep the faith and celebrate your special day.

08-14-2014, 04:10 PM
Oh Buddy, I don't know how some people can be so cruel. I'm sorry you had a bad start in life. I'm so glad your family found you and you were able to be the sweet loving boy you were born to be. A Very happy DOTD!

Same here! Buddy, I am so happy for your new beginning, especially that you have a wonderful family to have all sorts of good times with! I like the photo of you with your girl :D It looks like you have some neat places to go for walks too. Happy Dog of the Day to you!

08-14-2014, 06:59 PM
Hi Buddy!:) Happy Dog of the Day to you, sweetheart! Well, it's been a long and tiring day, but then came you, and my heart started singing! What a beautiful boy you are, Buddy, inside and out! I can't imagine the heart of a "family" who would abandon you, knowing the possibility that you would never be found!:( You suffered so horribly, but thankfully you were able to hang on until your rescuers could find their way to you, until the great folks at Corner Brook SPCA could provide you refuge! Great thanks to them all, and to your forever family for welcoming you home, giving you a 2nd chance at a happy life! And now, well, just look at how far you've come! Amazing, the wonders a little time and patience, and a whole lot of love, can work! Just look at you snuggling up to your young lady!:cool: You were a diamond in the rough, Buddy, and oh, just look at how you sparkle and shine now! Your family is one lucky bunch, having a loving companion, a best friend for life in you, Buddy! You're the best! Thanks for the BIG smiles, sweetheart! Enjoy your well earned "top dog" status, and every minute of your happy, new life! Lots of love, hugs and kisses to you, beautiful Buddy! XO XO XO

08-14-2014, 08:57 PM
You're a handsome boy Buddy!!!:love: What a sad start in life you had. Thank goodness you ended up in a wonderful home!

Congrats on being DOTD!:D

08-16-2014, 11:35 AM
Hey Buddy boy!!! It's my furr-nephew!!! It is awesome to see you as DOTD!!! Good job guys in rescuing in. I know his story and still am disgusted by how cruel people can be. It is pretty awesome to see him there as his girls pillow. He got the life now.

Happy DOTD beautiful boy!!! I am betting you will get more loves than anyone can imagine from all the family. <3 <3 <3

Hey bro...give him extra cuddles and kisses from me.