View Full Version : Shortee!

07-30-2014, 05:33 AM
Hi Shortee, What a giant lovebug you are!! Happy DOTD!!

07-30-2014, 07:06 AM
Hi Shortee! Happy Dog of the Day to you, beautiful girl, from all is this Lab loving home!:) What a wonderful way to start the day, seeing your beautiful Labbie self up on my screen! You're the quintessential Labbie, Shortee, so sweet and loving, so devoted, so ball obsessed!:D You really stepped up to the plate after your mommy's injury, comforting her, loving on her in her time of need; what a girl! And speaking of girls, is there anything better than being a "daddy's girl?":D Your mommy and daddy are so very lucky to have a loving furkid, a best friend for life in you, Shortee! You're the best, PERFECT in every way!:cool: Enjoy your big day of celebrity, sweetheart, being spoiled rotten and loved to pieces!:D Hugs and kisses to you, precious Shortee! XO XO XO

07-30-2014, 08:22 AM
Congratulations on being Dog of the Day.
Keep up the good work of being a "guardian angel".
Black is my favorite color for pets and you are a perfect
example of why. You are beautiful.
Celebrate your special day.

07-30-2014, 12:50 PM
Shorty is perfect 4 sure! She has such inquisitive, intelligent eyeballs! I think the reason she love all ya'll is because she has excellent taste in peeps too. Smooches to Shorty!!

07-30-2014, 03:41 PM
Awww, Shortee! What a beauty you are! I smiled when I saw the pictures of you doing your head tilt :D

How wonderful that you've stayed close to your mom, and been a terrific nurse to her. And you're named for your daddy's position, too! You have such a lovely shiny coat! I'm right with my friend tatsxxx11 sending you tons of HUGS, XO XO XO!

07-30-2014, 03:48 PM
Oh those loving healing eyes.. just one look and I was smitten. Shortee is such a special angel. Congratulations on being Dog of the Day.. Now....

07-30-2014, 08:05 PM
You're a beautiful girl Shortee!!!:love: Such nice pictures of you!

Congrats on being DOTD! I hope you've been having a fun day celebrating!:D