View Full Version : why does he do this???

12-17-2002, 09:26 AM
Every time I wash my sheets and comforter, Kito pees on them. Sunday night it was 2 am, and we had to sleep on the couch, because it soaked all the way through. He has done this a number of times, each time right after I was them. He once went on one, I changed it to another, and he went on that one too. What is the problem?? And how can I fix it??

12-17-2002, 10:42 AM
Seems like he's marking them with his scent.

What do you guys do when he does this? Do you catch him in the act and take him outside or are you sleeping when he does it? This is a tough one because it doesn't seem like a potty training issue, but more of a territorial issue.

Have you had any new additions or changes in your household recently?

12-17-2002, 06:04 PM
Thanks for the reply. I have caught him a few times, and immediately taken him out, but I don't think it's because he has to go that much--he normally will bark or go to the door when he has to go out. A few times, he has been in the bedroom alone and done it too--we keep saying we aren't going to let him in there alone, but he falls asleep on the bed and looks so peaceful...

I thought it was a territorial issue also, but I don't know how to prevent it. We got Abbey about 5 weeks ago, but he did it before we had her. He is neutered, but he does still like to mark outside--I suppose that's what it is.

12-17-2002, 10:09 PM
I think not letting him in that room unsupervised is a good idea. Is that the only place he does it?

12-18-2002, 12:00 AM
yep--just on the bed right after I've washed the comforter--the sheets he doesn't care about, but when I do the comforter, he goes on it--it's frustrating, but at least when I catch him in the act, I can get him before it goes through, and throw another one on.

01-14-2003, 02:08 PM
I recently had this problem with my 9 month old male dog..
I have two dobermans in the house.. One female, one male. Everything I have read says a male dog will reach sexual maturity somewhere around 9-12 months of age... He is now a leg lifter and would " lift his leg" to the edge of the couch.. ( his end of the couch) ... Our puppies are not allowed on the beds, but are allowed on covered furniture.
First off, you have to get some ODOR NEUTILIZER to totally kill the scent on anything he has ever Pee'd on... Washing it is not enough.. The scent will still be there( at least to the dog).. Bleach is not a good idea.. Dont use anything that contains Amonia for cleaning.. It will sometimes draw a dog to pee on it...
I had to resort to using the crate when I wasnt home to watch him " like a hawk". but when I did catch him peeing I gave him the stearn "NO" and potty outside command... And I have a doggie door so I just locked him outside for a little while.. It took about three times, but he now has it figured out.. !@!! and I have also went back to the heavy praiseing ... I praise him for" marking his territory" and just regualar pottys... So far so good... when they are outside " doing the potty" he will pee on top of the spot that my female doberman peed.. Showing that its his woman, I guess..
anyhow good luck.. get some neutilizer.... it works