View Full Version : Porkchop!

07-11-2014, 05:25 AM
Hello Porkchop, you look like such a sweet boy. I'm glad you have a person that loves you very much and doesn't listen to people call you names or say to put you down. Lots of doggies have overbites and when it is very severe there are things the vet can do to try and correct it like extracting some of the teeth other than putting them down. A very happy DOTD to you!

07-11-2014, 02:04 PM
Hi Porkchop, you handsome boy!:) Happy Dog of the Day to you!!! You know, Porkchop, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and to these eyes (and your proud person's as well), you couldn't be more beautiful if you tried, in body or in heart! And honestly, while your jaw looks perfect to me, and "imperfection" only adds to your charm!:) But oh, just look at that sweet mug!:D What's not to love?:D

What a devoted human you have been blessed with, Porkchop! Others may have thought otherwise, but she/he knew from the moment you were born, the night she saved you, that forever and always you would be loved and cherished, unconditionally! What a beautiful bond you and your person share, Porkchop, a bond of love and devotion that will never be broken!:cool: You (and your furry family) are truly blessed, but none luckier than your "special person," having a loving companion, a best friend for life, in you!

Thanks to your person for sharing your heart melting pics, your heartwarming story with us all! Wishing for you and your fur dad and fur mom, Missy, a very happy, fun packed day of celebration, and countless more years with your wonderful family! Lots of love, hugs and kisses to you, beautiful Porkchop, and to Missy and your fur dad, too! XO XO XO

07-11-2014, 03:09 PM
Congratulations on being Dog of the Day.
From your pictures, you seem like an easy going boy.
Your person sure is crazy about you, and that's all that matters.
Celebrate your special day. You are now world famous.


07-11-2014, 04:40 PM
Hello Porkchop,

It's good to meet you sweet boy.:love: I loved reading your story today and to hear
how much your family cares about each & every furkid in the family.:) You look perfect
to me sweetie & sound like a boy who loves life & loves his lucky family. Congratulations
to you on being chosen for honors today as the lovable DOG OF THE DAY. Hugs & kisses
going out to you sweetheart.:) Enjoy your special day.

07-11-2014, 08:39 PM
You're adorable Porkchop!!!:love: What a cute name!

Congrats on being DOTD!:cool: I hope you're having a fun day!:D

07-11-2014, 09:05 PM
Porkchop, you sure are one amazing doggie. HUGS to you and Bless your parents for being there for you

07-12-2014, 12:12 AM
Hope it's not too late to say happy DOTD to dear Porkchop! He reminds me of Freddy Mercury! Such a cute and adorable fellow, overbites are so cute! Lotsa hugs and smooches to Porkchop!

07-12-2014, 04:26 AM
Thank everyone for yall's kind words! He is definitely a famous dog now~ And I read what everyone said to him aloud for him to hear.... he just stared at me and wagged his tail. Hahaha! He's adorable. And he's definitely the center of my world. He is really easy going and relaxed most of the time, until he gets hyped up and starts playing with his furry family members or his little ferret cousins who are here visiting for 2 weeks! XD Once again, thank yall for yall's sweet words about my furry baby! ^.^ :love: