View Full Version : Sick Puppy In need of Assistance

07-05-2014, 03:38 PM
Hello Everyone, for those of you who weren't aware, I am the owner of Colleen, the Dog of the Day from July 2nd, 2014. In the article I submitted, I mentioned that she was having some unusual liver values on her blood work. Well, she was tested again on Independence Day (July 4th) and the problem hasn't resolved itself, it actually appears to have gotten worse.

You are all lovers of dogs, cats, and likely a large variety of animals. I am certain that at some point in your lives, you've had a pet (or known someone who did) that needed some medical attention. Therefore you know that vet bills aren't cheap.

Trying to pay off my University Loans is difficult enough, add to that the money I owe my mother for other forms of education, I have enough financial trouble to worry about. Now, with Colleen's health getting worse, my mental health is in a terrible state. My financial state is even worse. Thus, I have started a donations page at www.helpmypuppy.myevent.com in order to try and raise awareness of my pup's condition and see if there are truly good people out there like my family has always said there are.

My baby means the world to me, to lose her would accelerate my mental problems to the point I may never be able to function again. So, I ask of you, and all those who love dogs... please donate to help me make my puppy healthy again and to keep her that way. Even if you don't have spare cash, which with the recessions all over the place is pretty common, you can help just as much by spreading the word of my predicament to anyone you meet, advertising on websites, posting notices, sharing on Social Media, and any other way you can think of.

I know that issues like this can sometimes generate enough attention to go viral, and it would make my day and boost my confidence in this world if this could do that. A lofty goal to be sure, but with all the animal lovers out there, even people like me sometimes have to believe in miracles.

Thank You for reading and may good fortune find you.


Fundraising: www.helpmypuppy.myevent.com
DotD Archive: http://dogoftheday.com/archive/2014/July/02.html

07-05-2014, 05:17 PM
Kyle is pretty Colleen's human, for other Pet Talkers who might have missed her page, She was as he mentioned, Dog of the Day back on July 2nd!

In an email, he also told me he is keeping her breeder updated, and they are concerned as well.


07-05-2014, 08:44 PM
I know you didn't ask for suggestions as to the elevated liver enzymes, but may I offer some "food for thought?"

It sounds like you do lots of research, online and so forth, so I may be mentioning things you already know. However, since you are a new dog owner, there is a LOT to learn, and maybe this hasn't crossed your path yet.

What do you use for food, and what do you use for her treats? You may / may not be aware, there is a huge issue with dog treats made in China -- chicken jerky is the big one, but at this point, most pet owners are not using anything 'made in China' or product of China, packaged in USA. One of my bichons, Sugar, had elevated liver enzymes, and after carefully reading EVERYTHING in the house again, I discovered that one package of treats I was using was a product of China, packaged in USA. Since the front label stated: AN AMERICAN COMPANY, I had not read the fine print on the back.

One thing which will protect the liver and reduce the enzymes, very quickly: samE and milk thistle. I prefer to use CellFood brand for the samE. And I buy my milk thistle here: http://www.leavesandroots.com/herbmno.html

You may also want to see if there is an Holistic vet near you, and have Colleen in for a consult.

07-06-2014, 02:53 PM
My puppy is on Royal Canin medium dog food and has been since she was a pup.

As for the China issue, there is only one thing she gets that has anything to do with China. That is a huge rawhide chew bone that is over two feet long, and a few inches thick. It's the only chewing item that she will actively chew and that will last long enough to be cost effective.

I know these bones aren't causing the issues because her liver values were slightly elevated when she was spayed at around 5 months. That's when we first noticed the issue. I say the bones cannot be the cause because she only got her first one about 3 weeks after the spay, so the values were going up before she ever came into contact with China-made items.

Thank you for your input and concern though.

07-07-2014, 02:18 PM
Good you are monitoring her, and are careful about what she gets. We will continue to hold you are pretty Colleen in our prayers!

07-07-2014, 02:38 PM
We will continue to hold you are pretty Colleen in our prayers!

Same here!

07-07-2014, 03:29 PM
I think I am a "good person" but I am unable to donate to your cause as I have enough bills with my 3 dogs, 1 cat, 3 goats plus my own medical bills. I am a retired senior on a fixed income. I do hope your dog will get better. Perhaps you could work out a payment plan with the vet. You are in my prayers for better health for both of you.