View Full Version : Magnificent Mable

06-20-2014, 01:51 PM
Congratulations Mabel, you are a most beautiful lady. It sounds like you have the house well under control. I have to tell you I'm partial to Schnauzers and Terriers having grown up with Scotties.

Enjoy you day and make sure you get lots of treats.

06-20-2014, 02:55 PM
Miss Mabel Katherine! It's all about the schnowzzz! I can tell who's in charge at your house - and that's you! I smiled :D as I read your bio and looked at all your photos! You have your household well-trained, and you give the stink-eye when something is not quite right. I hope everything is perfect for you today! Happy Dog of the Day to you, wonderful Mabel Katherine!

06-20-2014, 03:55 PM
Congratulations on being Dog of the Day.
You certainly are a survivor. Most dogs don't go through half of what you have already.
I love black animals and have three black dogs. You are truly a beautiful girl.
Have a great day, and I hope your health problems are over for a while.


06-20-2014, 04:15 PM
Happy DOTD Mable! It's clear you are treated like royalty by the whole family and quite clearly you deserve it! When you're the best, you're the best eh? Mable is so sweet.

06-20-2014, 06:07 PM
Well Miss Mable - we sure know now just who rules your roost! ;) Your tales sure had me chuckling out loud - you certainly do have a way with words. I figure with all that you have been thru and survived, that you have earned the right to have a big say in things at your house. I know your people must love you very much, and let you have your way - most of the time, anyway - and only if it's safe for you, of course! :) I wonder what you ordered up for "adventure of the day" today? Whatever it was, you deserve to be accommodated - afterall - you are the EXTRA special DOTD today. Enjoy pretty girl, and may you have many, many more happy and healthy years with your loving servants - oops - I mean family! :love:

06-20-2014, 10:01 PM
You're adorable Mable!!!:love: What a cute story you wrote!:cool:

Congrats on being DOTD! I hope this has been a special day for you and your girl!:D

06-20-2014, 10:58 PM
My Mz Logan congratulates you Mz Mabel, with a high 5 paw for your perfect capability to control your 2 leggers with such expertise! We're both thrilled you survived your medical issues and are looking good! Strut your stuff girl and stay beautiful and healthy!