View Full Version : Lovely Lily

Nancy Jones
06-04-2014, 12:49 AM
Congratulations Lily on being Dog of the Day.

You are soooo pretty and petite and I love your hair styles. You certainly are a stylish doggy.

Have a lovely day pretty one. Let's hope you have an extra portion of cheese to celebrate!



Cat of the Day 1 March 2014

06-04-2014, 01:13 PM
Awww, Lily is an angel, what's not to love? Hope she is more spoiled than usual today, smooches to Lily!

06-04-2014, 02:00 PM
Hello Lily, What a sweet adorable little girl you are! You're just precious and I can see why you are so loved. I enjoyed all your photos. I hope you have many more years with your family. Congrats on being DOTD!

06-04-2014, 05:23 PM
Congratulations on being Dog of the Day, Lily
You are sooooo cute.
Love the picture of you in the pool.
Have a great summer.


06-04-2014, 05:39 PM
Pretty in pink - that's what you are. I'm certain that you're pretty in any color that you wear. I can tell that you're a girly-girl and love the pampering and attention which one as beautiful as you deserves. I loved seeing your pictures - especially the one of you on your float in the pool. Such a lucky little girl, Lily.

Here's hoping that today is extra special for you as you celebrate being honored as PT's very special DOTD. Sending kisses to you across the miles from DE to CT, and wishing you a very long and happy and healthy life with your adoring family. :love::love::love::love::love:

06-04-2014, 07:36 PM
Oh my gosh Lily, you're so cute!!!:love: Congrats on being DOTD!:D

06-05-2014, 12:43 PM
I love all the photos of pretty Lily, she has such a sweet little face! Excellent DOTD!

06-20-2014, 03:34 AM
Congratulations Lily on being Dog of the Day. Do you have a picture of lily? But anyway, I'm sure she was so pretty, adorable and lovely dog. Based on your description, I imagine the physical apperance of your dog.