View Full Version : Angel is great looking dog

05-16-2014, 12:26 AM
Love the pitty type dogs just the right size easy care coat, please be careful with letting Angel play and chew ropes if some of the string get ingested could be a death sentence for Angle. If some of the string were to get wrapped around the intestines it would cut off the blood supply and that part of the intestines would die. Depending on how much died depends on if the dog would live or die. Would be a very expensive surgery if caught in time. Also there was a rumor going around that tennis balls were bad for dogs teeth something you might google and see what they say now about rope toys and tennis balls.

05-16-2014, 06:09 AM
Wait a second. Hold it. Just ... hold it. Angel from New York, is this our Angel?!!? Player with your knotted rope toy and watcher of cows in the country, up in New York?! Hi, Angel pup! I know you! I remember when your people went to the shelter to visit some goggies, yes I do! And although they were not expecting to meet a new family member just then, as it turns out they did, and that's you :love: You and your young humans go outside together, or sometimes go for a walk. The weather will be getting nicer soon, so I bet you will be seeing lots of interesting things on your walks- like flowers, trees, plants and hearing the birds sing. Won't that be fun! You were in the shelter, but now you have a forever home with your kitty, your home and your people! As it should be :D Happy Dog of the Day to you, Angel ! Could you please have your people give you some big hugs, or maybe serve you a yummy treat to celebrate your special day. Bet you will have a snuggle with your dad today too :)

p.s., I like your face in the 3rd picture from the top, I can see all your colors! Darker brown around your eyes, your white and light-brown face :)

05-16-2014, 07:56 AM
Well I'll be darned - if it isn't The Mayor's fur-niece. Woo-hoo! So good to see lots of pictures of you today, Angel. Your Mom & Dad don't post them of you very often. I believe this is the first time I've seen all of you. You really must remind them to post pics of your pretty mugg more often.

Well I'm not going to tell you just how special this honor of DOTD is, since you already know and you get all the inside information. But I will send out a big congratulations to you today. Enjoy being in the spotlight, and work it so you get some extra treats, and maybe even a new rope to that you can convert to a mop! ;)

Sending lots of belly rubs from me, and Wolfy is sending happy woofs to you too. :D

05-16-2014, 07:59 AM
Wait a second. Hold it. Just ... hold it. Angel from New York, is this our Angel?!!? Player with your knotted rope toy and watcher of cows in the country, up in New York?! Hi, Angel pup! I know you! I remember when your people went to the shelter to visit some goggies, yes I do! And although they were not expecting to meet a new family member just then, as it turns out they did, and that's you :love: You and your young humans go outside together, or sometimes go for a walk. The weather will be getting nicer soon, so I bet you will be seeing lots of interesting things on your walks- like flowers, trees, plants and hearing the birds sing. Won't that be fun! You were in the shelter, but now you have a forever home with your kitty, your home and your people! As it should be :D Happy Dog of the Day to you, Angel ! Could you please have your people give you some big hugs, or maybe serve you a yummy treat to celebrate your special day. Bet you will have a snuggle with your dad today too :)

p.s., I like your face in the 3rd picture from the top, I can see all your colors! Darker brown around your eyes, your white and light-brown face :)

Yes that is the very same Angel, she does have great colors, and I love the one where she is actually sitting in LH's lap at the kitchen table. :D

Lady's Human
05-16-2014, 09:39 AM
Speaking of 50 Lb lap dogs, it's very hard to type congratulations to you while you're trying to inspect my ears, young lady!

05-16-2014, 10:06 AM
Congratulations Angel for being DOTD. You must be very well liked because so many people remember you.
Have a great day.


05-16-2014, 10:27 AM
Angel is a Rock Star! I like the fist picture the best, but they're all great, have a fantastic day today Angel. SUCH a FACE!!

05-16-2014, 02:18 PM
Just so you all know, my favorite nickname for Angel is wiggle-butt! The whole back half of the dog wags, VERY enthusiastically, at the slightest excuse. That's why I don't have any pictures of her from when I met her, she was too busy wigging and wagging and sniffing and playing and checking out everyone and everything to hold still enough for a good picture!

05-16-2014, 03:42 PM
CONGRATULATIONS, Darling Angel!!!!! I've been "hearing" about you for a while, but this is my first time "seeing" you! You are just adorable.

And happy birthday to your Dad!


Queen of Poop
05-16-2014, 06:23 PM
Congratulations Angel!! So wonderful to see so many pics of you!

Nancy Jones
05-16-2014, 09:32 PM
Congratulations on being Dog of the Day Angel.

You sound a wonderful dog and I'm so pleased you have found a wonderful family to live with, having lots of fun with rope and tennis balls.

Enjoy your day of international stardom.



Cat of the Day 1 March 2014

05-16-2014, 10:40 PM
Congratulations to you sweet Angel on being DOTD. Your name fits. You are indeed an angel to help your family deal with the loss of their beloved puppy who went to the Rainbow Bridge. Undoubtedly, that puppy is watching over all of you and is happy to know you're there to help out. And you're a lucky girl to have found your furrever home with such a loving family.

Hope you enjoyed your day of international stardom. Best wishes to you and your family, including your kitty sibling. May you be blessed with many wonderful and happy years together :love::love:

05-17-2014, 12:11 AM
I love her black eyeliner. She's a very purdy girl. Thanks for rescuing!