View Full Version : Please Please Help Stray Cat!!!!

Aspen and Misty
12-15-2002, 10:40 PM
My sister caught a stray cat that was having stones throwing at it at the college. Unfortunitly the college is 2 hours away and she has no way of getting it out of the bathroom, its temerary home. She is going to catch it but when should she put it in to bring it home in? We really need ideas and help form the wonderful pet talk people. Please any suggestions are welcome. My sister doens't have boxes there. We really need help! We wana bring her home, get her vacinated, spayed, find her kitties (if she is indeed pregnet) a home and allow her to roam our neighborhood, unless she gets used to being aloud to lounge around the house and not worry about cars or other cats, and of course we would put food out for her. Please Help!!!


12-16-2002, 12:52 AM
How about heading to the computer department of the school, and getting one of their empty paper boxes, put some holes for air. Or you may be able to borrow a carrier from the local A/C.

12-16-2002, 12:58 AM
I was gonna say you might be able to borrow one, but visiting the computer dept is a really good idea.

All Creatures Great And Small
12-16-2002, 01:25 AM
Originally posted by Aspen and Misty
My sister caught a stray cat that was having stones throwing at it at the college. I weep for our future, if this is the type of people attending college.

I know one time my mom used a pillowcase to put the kitty in to take him to the vet, back when we were poor and couldn't afford a carrier. I don't know if that would work for a 2 hour trip though. Good luck and keep us posted!

12-16-2002, 01:27 AM
If you do decide to let her outside, be sure to leave her in your home for a minimum of 2 weeks. That way she'll learn that she lives there and hopefully not waunder off to try to find her old home.

If she's well socialized, a no-kill shelter might be a better alternative to being an outdoor kitty.

12-16-2002, 01:54 PM
You can also go to the local grocery store and ask for a box. The produce department is probably the best one because most of those boxes have holes in them already.

The other option to to use one of those really big Rubbermaid containers (you can get them in places like Walmart for about $6). Since these do not have holes in them it is important to leave a the lid slightly off (for fresh air). This also helps because it keeps the environment fairly dark and it might calm the cat a bit.

I must agree with All Creatures Great and Small, if this is the future of the coutry we are in deep trouble. Teaching at a university I see some really good kids, but there are the other kind...:mad:

Aspen and Misty
12-16-2002, 03:49 PM
Hey there are kids out ther like me. Don't worry to much. We named her Wiley. She is sooo pretty! M yssiter brought her hoem in a produce box. It worked great! Thanx for all your suggestions, its off to the vets to find out how her and her kittens are doing, she is skinny everywhere but her little tum tum. :D

Merry Christmas!

12-16-2002, 04:04 PM
According to the humane socitey here in Tucson in the month of May they get the highest number of drop offs because college kids get a pet then summer comes along and they no longer want the responsibility of the pet. That angers me so much. I'm a college kid and I'm able to be responsible for my animal, and I don't feel that I'm any more mature then the average college student. I just know that an animal is a life not something that is disposable.

12-16-2002, 04:55 PM
I think Aly's advice about keeping the cat indoors for at least 2 weeks is very good!

This is one of my former posts about how we did it:

Building a cat house in your backyard for stray cats

This may be an idea for catlovers who are unable to take a stray cat into their house/flat - itīs certainly a cheap solution and quite easy to do- and best of all THE CATS LOVE IT!

In our backyard, we have had several stray cats, one neutered male is still living there. When we moved in 8 years ago, he was sleeping in an old dirty pram someone had left.

A few of us decided to build houses for them. We got some Polystyrene boxes from the grocery store which had contained vegetables and we taped two together. We cut a hole in one end (along the lenght of the box, to avoid the wind going through), then we covered the box in thick plastic - also taped on with good strong tape and put some old blankets in. We put the "house" behind the shed. The cats immediately moved in and has been there ever since. As you can imagine, it can get pretty cold in Denmark in the winter, but now, they're not freezing their paws and ears off. It will probably be a good idea to choose some plastic which blend in with the background color, some of the other residents may not like cats, but if it looks nice, how can anyone complain - another argument is that they will keep other wildcats out and the rats away.

A small group of us take turns feeding them - about the same time every evening, after the birds have gone to rest, otherwise they will steal the food.

Good luck! :)

12-17-2002, 07:12 AM
Dear Ash,

I am so happy that you were able to transport Wiley without any problems. Ii am sure that you and your sister will make fine foster parents until you can find a home for all the kittens.

I realize that there are many more young people like you and Uabassoon. But the ones that stick in your mind tend to be the "other" kind, even if they are the minority,

Enough your new addition :)

Aspen and Misty
12-17-2002, 08:26 PM
thanx everyone she is sooo sweet! I just love her! i will be sleeping in her room tonight, well when I come home around 4 I will go in and sleep with her :rolleyes: She is soo pretty! And fat heee heee :D Thatnx for the idea for the backyard thing! i will mention it to my sister!


12-18-2002, 10:35 AM
Hi..I work at a college and I know our department has lots of unused boxes. You may want to just check around each department and see if they have any to spare. Also, the library where my husband works in the tech department they throw boxes away all the time..so check some place like that. Hope this helps.

Aspen and Misty
12-19-2002, 06:17 PM
Well, I found out our little pregnet GIRL, turns out to be a little pregnet BOY. LOL.Yupers. So I'm just taking a stab in the dark that he's not really pregent :p He still is really pretty, and got a bath today so should be really pretty. I haven't seen him since his bath, but he is so pretty even when he was dirty. I will post pictures after christmas.


12-19-2002, 07:23 PM

Did the vet tell you it's a boy?? If so, he could have worms. Did the vet give the cat a dose of Drontyl?? Alot of times cats that are outdoors have really bad cases of worms or intestinal parasites which will cause their bellies to bloat. No there no way POSSIBLE that a male cat can be pregnant. Trust me on this one. ;) If I'm wrong, you'll be in the news for the world's first pregnant MALE cat.

I'd keep the kitty in for at least a month. 2 weeks is certainly not long enough to turn him into a house cat which would be the best thing for him. Indoor cats live longer, healthier lives.

As far as those college students are concerned, I'd report the to the dean. I don't believe that college students NOR people in the military should be allowed to have pets. I've rescued and placed many pets that have been abandoned. It's sad.

You did a good thing. Be proud of yourself and enjoy that kitty! :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-20-2002, 10:32 AM
Originally posted by moosmom

Did the vet tell you it's a boy?? If so, he could have worms. Did the vet give the cat a dose of Drontyl?? Alot of times cats that are outdoors have really bad cases of worms or intestinal parasites which will cause their bellies to bloat.

Sorry to interrupt here, but I had a question about worms in outdoor kitties. My mom has Goofy, and outdoor kitty who never comes in the house. He really looks bloated, and my mom says sometimes it looks like he swallowed a balloon. She had taken him to the vet to get fixed, and the vet gave him something for worms, but his tummy is still big. She had gotten something from the pet store (I believe) and just gave it to him yesterday. I think she said it was like a tablespoon of it sprinkled over his food. Then the directions say to wait two weeks before giving another dose. Does this sound right to you Donna? I'm not at all familiar with worms in kitties, so I just took my mom's word for it that this is what the directions say. Thanks for your input. Also, why are outside kitties so prone to worms? Is it because they might eat dead meat? Or do they get it from the critters they catch and eat? I have no experience with outdoor kitties either. :)

Aspen and Misty
12-20-2002, 09:04 PM
Yes the vet said he is a pretty little boy kitty probly about 6 to 8 months old. :D My little kitten. He doesn't have worms, the vet checked him over real good. He looks so pretty after his bath. I can't wait for ya'll to see him! He is soooo pretty!!!!


12-20-2002, 09:57 PM
Originally posted by moosmom

I don't believe that college students NOR people in the military should be allowed to have pets. I've rescued and placed many pets that have been abandoned. It's sad.

While there are some irresponsible college students and military people, there are also very responsible ones. Look at Andrew and Souraya -- they'd NEVER get rid of Drakers. I'm in college and have pets which are my life and I'd do anything for them. A lot of other people on this board are in college too. I would *never* move anywhere that didn't allow my babies to come with me.