View Full Version : Labradoodle Bruno

Nancy Jones
04-26-2014, 04:10 AM
Congratulations on being Dog of the Day Bruno.

You are such a lovely looking and sounding doggy and obviously have special powers as your owner is not afraid of dogs anymore! I'm so pleased you will all live happily ever after.

Enjoy your day of international stardom.



Cat of the Day 1 March 2014

04-26-2014, 02:36 PM
Hello, Bruno puppy! What a cute chocolate-colored boy you are! I like your wavy fur coat -- it looks like it would be sooo soft to pet! I'd be happy to help you play with your favorite toys :) How wonderful that you have helped your person to get past a fear of dogs! I hope you will have a very long, happy and fun-filled life together! I hope you get to share some time playing and snuggling today! Happy Dog of the Day to you, Bruno!

04-26-2014, 03:03 PM
Hi Bruno - what a handsome young man you are. I love your name - it just seems to fit you so well. I'm glad that you are helping your person to overcome the fear of dogs - that's a very important job that you have.

Congratulations on being selected as today's very special DOTD. We hope that you're getting some extra special treatment in honor of this - and some extra TREATS would be nice too. :D Wishing you a long and happy and healthy life with your family. :love:

04-26-2014, 03:11 PM
Hello Bruno!

You are very handsome, at just 8 months old. You sure are going to be a stunner when you are a big boy! Your coat looks shiny, that is a sign you are healthy, too.

I love that your family shared you with us. I can just picture you at the door in the morning, all smiles and waggly tail, saying HI FOLKS! LOL

You have learned so many commands, I am quite impressed! Well, you are part poodle and they are very smart doggies. I bet you love to run about and play with your human sibling, get all that exercise and burn off some puppy energy. The nice weather is coming, long walks through the woods are great fun, too. Maybe you will get to try those soon. Just remind your humans to have treats, so they can practice recalls with you.

I'm not sure where the "Australian" comes in, labradoodles are labrador retreiver x poodle. Maybe you have some Australian shepherd in your background as well? That would explain your high energy, lol.

Enjoy your day, Bruno!

04-26-2014, 04:02 PM
Hi Bruno! Happy Dog of the Day to you!:) What a handsome, utterly precious puppy you are, Bruno!:D We just love Labradoodles, one awesome blend of two beloved breeds! And true to the Labrador and Poodle legacies, you are one incredibly sweet and gentle, smart and loving pup!:) Oh yes, Bruno! You do have a very important job assigned to you, that of helping your human sibling overcome her/his fear of dogs! And by all accounts you are doing one fine job, making him/her a doggie fan for life!:D How lucky your *special person* is, having you, a loyal and loving best friend to grow up with! Oh, what happy times await you and your family, Bruno, so many cherished memories to be made! Thanks for warming and brightening my cool, rainy day with your precious self! Enjoy your big day in the spotlight, being spoiled rotten!:D Lots of love, hugs and kisses to you, precious Bruno! XO XO XO

04-26-2014, 08:42 PM
Oh my gosh Bruno! You have the most adorable face! I could love on you forever sweet boy! Congrats,
congrats on your Dog of the Day honor!

04-26-2014, 08:58 PM
You're adorable Bruno!!!:love: Congrats on being DOTD!:cool: I hope you're having a fun day!:D

04-27-2014, 10:33 PM
hope you enjoyed your day Beautiful BOY!! :D