View Full Version : Smart, handsome Sundar!

04-21-2014, 07:44 AM
Beautiful collie Sundar! After seeing your photos and reading your story, all I can say is, "WOW!" You are amazing! Dignified but sometimes happy-go-lucky, affectionate and sweet, smart, and just a tiny bit mischievous! (I'm thinking of the blur getting off the sofa before your person notices you are there :) ) I would like to reach through my monitor and give you some huge hugs! And some kisses between your adorable ears! Happy Dog of the Day to you, wonderful Sundar! :love:

Nancy Jones
04-21-2014, 10:53 AM
Congratulations on being Dog of the Day.

You surely are handsome. I can see why your master call you such an apt name. And you look like Lassie too! :)

Wishing you a wonderful day of international stardom.



COTD 1 March 2014

04-21-2014, 02:58 PM
Thank you, Nancy and Cassiesmom! He is adapting to celebrity very nicely. He is so humble ... He's changed nothing since becoming so famous :). Spent the morning running errands with mom, staring from the back of the SUV at every passing car and also the walkers, human and dog. I love seeing people react to him when we are out ... They smile, wave, talk excitedly to each other ("Lassie!"). My hope is that he brightens a LOT of days! Right now, he's taking it easy, lounging on the kitchen floor, a big pile of fur :)

Congratulations on being Dog of the Day.

You surely are handsome. I can see why your master call you such an apt name. And you look like Lassie too! :)

Wishing you a wonderful day of international stardom.



COTD 1 March 2014

04-21-2014, 03:51 PM
Hi Sundar! Happy Dog of the Day to you!:) What a stellar representative of your beloved breed you are, Sundar! You embody all of those cherished traits we link to the Rough Collie and them some...Stunning in looks, keenly intelligent, loyal and loving to a fault, with just enough mischievousness to make things interesting for your human(s)!:D How lucky your entire family is to have such a "noble beast," a loving companion and best friend in you, Sundar, but none more than your "special person!" You two have not only "clicked," it's clear you two have found a soul mate in one another! And oh, did I mention your impeccable manners? You could teach my Lab a thing or two in that regard!;) Thanks so much for brightening my day with your heartwarming story and your heart melting photos! You're truly one extra special pup, a treasure, and so very deserving of your Dog of the Day honors! Lots of love, hugs and kisses to you, stunning Sundar! Enjoy your big day in the spotlight, and every minute of your wonderful life!:love::love::love:

04-21-2014, 08:50 PM
Congratulations to you dear Sundar on being DOTD. Your name certainly fits - you are a most handsome lad and you have a beautiful personality to match. You definitely deserve this honor.

We hope you enjoyed your special day of celebration. Best wishes to you and your family. May you be blessed with many wonderful and happy years together. :love::love:

04-21-2014, 09:04 PM
You're a gorgeous boy Sundar!!!:love: Congrats on being DOTD!:D

04-22-2014, 03:34 AM
Oh my, what a handsome nose you have!! Collies have always been one of my favorite dogs, is here an dog that has a more elegant, refined face? I think not!

Congrats on your special day gorgeous Sundar!!

04-23-2014, 12:03 PM
Snake mama, his nose! It's shocking how dominant it is on his sweet face. His whole face is really just a snout ... Eyes on the side, ears on the top, sniffer at the end! It gets him in trouble, giving away his every intention ... Where points the nose, there that Sundar goes! It comes out of his food bowl coated in yogurt and egg or whatever delicacy he happened to be enjoying with his kibble ... I wash it off like I would a baby's :). He wouldn't be the same dog without it. I just pet sit a friend's pug and found myself feeling very sorry for that poor thing without a nose!

Oh my, what a handsome nose you have!! Collies have always been one of my favorite dogs, is here an dog that has a more elegant, refined face? I think not!

Congrats on your special day gorgeous Sundar!!